Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bad week so far...

Warning: I will be bitching.

I was just saying how great I felt. I think all my 1st trimester yuckies are coming back. I read it could happen, i was just hoping it wouldn't. This week has gotten the best of me.

Starting Sunday before we got to gracies bridal shower, I was really dizzy and felt faint. I ate some peanut butter and drank a bottle of water and it helped and was ok by the time we got to the party.

Monday night, I woke up at 2. Threw up everything in my tummy. Didn't feel immediate relief so I slept on the bathroom floor for a little until I was sure I was done. :(

well, at about 9:30 last night, I finished having my very first complete meltdown/anxiety attack because I was dumb and read way too much and freaked out that I'm not ready. I'm terrified of labor, and we haven't bought a diaper yet. seriously, that was cause for me to cry hysterically - we don't have any diapers. I know now that we still have time. I'm ok NOW...but I couldn't stop before. I just had this overwhelming feeling that we're running out of time. It's only 6 weeks until he's technically fully baked!

I told Gabe that I wanted to buy stuff right now just to make myself feel better. like the pack and play or the stroller (any of the things I didn't expect people to buy for us) he calmed me down finally and we went into the baby's room and cleaned a little and organized his tiny clothes. :)

So after I FINALLY calmed down, I check my email and there's one from our realtor...

So we signed the papers yesterday but I guess they got pissed when they went to the house and saw that we cleaned out the rest of our crap, including supplies that we had there to start making shutters. They weren't shutters for our house. Gabe's parents had some made for their house and brought the extras over to our house with the intention of having them made for us. We Never did it because we knew we weren't staying.

They sent this threatening email to us last night saying we better give them back or the deal is off. I guess they told their insurance that the house had shutters.

I said f you - it wasn't ever in the contract and they shouldn't have gone and assumed they were for the house when we never listed it that way (which would have been a selling point don't you think!?!?) and they should have checked first. That's like assuming the computer we had sitting in the room while the house was shown was included too.

Gabe, being the sweet teddy bear he is, told them the whole story and offered for them to come get them. I know it was just to be sure that we got rid of the house that he's letting them have them, But it still pisses me off that they did it this way. They actually said that we "caused them headaches" we did???? I highly doubt that!

So they are. Today. Knowing full well that they don't even belong to us. Or fit the freakin house! They're taking the shutter scraps and I have to be here to let them get them. Annoying. I may not be able to keep my mouth shut. I might just have to ask why they assume so much...

But whatever. After today they can't pull this crap again. The papers go to the bank today and they should never contact us again.

Yeah.. I'm irritated about it. If they had approached us different, like not threatening, I'd be much better. But the way they did it wasn't cool.

Anyway sorry for my rant. Like I said, tough week already. I hope it gets better.

It's funny though, after all that- all I have to do is watch my belly dance and move and I'll be smiling instantly. :-)


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