Wednesday, June 23, 2010

29 weeks!!

This one is a big update - I guess I just felt like writing today :-)

The sonogram went great! Everything looks normal and I'm officially off bed rest, I am supposed to just take it easy. PHEW! I got 3 more photos and had my favorite sonogram lady. She's so nice and always tells me what she sees even though she's not technically supposed to.

How far along? 29 weeks - (11 weeks or 77 days to go!!) what’s scarier… only 7 more weeks until they’ll stop trying to keep him in! at 36 weeks, if he’s ready, he’ll be here!!

How big is Santos? In the beginning, I remember skipping ahead to these photos and thinking "I can't wait until he's that big" well, he's now THAT BIG. It's so exciting! He's the size of a butternut squash and almost as tall as he'll be when he gets here!

• Your baby boy has grown about another 1/4 pound in the last week. He begins a rapid growth phase and will begin to put on nearly 1/2 pound each week. In fact, he will likely triple his weight by your due date.

• Your baby boy’s organs all are fully formed and functioning well, although the lungs have not matured completely.

• Your baby boy’s bone marrow has taken over production of the red blood cells from the liver.

• The total amount of amniotic fluid is reaching a peak around now, much of this due to the fact that the baby is urinating up to two cups of urine a day!

How big is mama? I gained 2 pounds since last week which puts me at 19 pounds total gained. (I look so sleepy in this photo!)

Sleep? Every 1 ½ to 2 hours I get up to pee, like clockwork…. I think it’s training for the first few weeks baby is here. :)

Movement? Thank God for movement. He’s getting to the point where it’s no longer belly, and it’s all baby. I feel everything he does. I can’t wait until there’s an elbow or a foot sticking out!

Food? I’m eating so much this week! But now I’m WAY uncomfortable after I eat. There’s not enough room for the both of them, my tummy and the baby. Baby always wins ;-)

Belly button? it’s still there! And still deep. (less deep for sure but not ready to pop at all!)

Milestones? Seeing his little face on the 3d sonogram. He’s got chubby cheeks already! AND I'm off bed rest. Thank GOD everything was normal today!

Looking forward to next? tonight, we’re going back to the 3d sonogram place because when we went, Santos was being camera shy. They said that since it wasn’t the best session, we could come back at no charge. I hope he’s in a better mood! I can’t wait to see him :-)

Friendly warning: The following may be TMI for some, but it’s my journal and I want to remember these things (and it's really not that bad I promise)… but, if you don’t want to hear about pregnancy symptoms, don’t read on….

Symptoms? I wanted to make a list of my Symptoms/No Symptoms so far. The list below gives the typical pregnancy symptoms and a brief description of what I have experienced of them so far, or not experienced.
  • nausea - Big time in the beginning. I didn’t throw up daily (it was more like 2-3 times a week), but I had a definite aversion to food. All kinds of food. And Gabe seemed to want to eat lots of stinky food. Even miso soup. I remember being so extremely disgusted.
  • fatigue - Through the first trimester and even a month into the second, all I wanted was sleep. Then, I had pep, and felt great! I’m worried, because the last couple of days, I’ve been feeling the sleepies again. I want to keep my pep just a little longer please!!
  • leg cramps - Nope, but I did have a little bit of restless legs in the beginning. I have heard that cramps/Charlie horses might spring up in the third trimester though. Let’s hope not.
  • hip pain - YES...
  • back pain - YES. I’ve always had a bad back. Hip and back pain has been almost daily, especially lately. We have a plug in massager thingie that seems to help a little when it gets really bad. I just wish I could go to the chiropractor or something and get a full body adjustment. Crack all of my bones please! I’m used to cracking my own back, but with the tummy as tight as it is, I can’t anymore.
  • dizziness - In the beginning, same time as the constant sleep and nausea, I would go to publix to get food, and within 15 minutes, would have to sit down wherever I was. People thought I was strange. I just plopped on the floor until I felt better.
  • constipation - been pretty regular. I’ve been drinking a ton of water. I think it helps.
  • nose bleeds - Not for me but Gabe has. Sympathy pregnancy symptoms? Lol
  • trouble breathing- Lately this has been an issue for me. I feel like I just can’t take a deep enough breath. Especially while I’m laying down. I’m sure this is just another space issue.
  • pregnancy dreams - I had some CRAZY dreams (just to give you an example… I had lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Obama and we ate onion rings in my mom‘s kitchen… yeah…), some “bow chick a wow wow” dreams, and a few really sweet ones. Recently, my Granny (Irish one that is passed on) came to visit me and tell me how excited she is for Santos. She was thrilled. I woke up with a really peaceful feeling. I don’t know how real those kinds of things are (ghosts, spirits, whatever you want to call them), but I’m glad for dreams like that.
  • swelling - no swelling of anything so far (already fat enough fingers crossed)
  • blood pressure - So far, every time it has been checked, it has been perfect. I pray it stays that way!
  • heartburn/indigestion - In the very beginning and every time I eat garlic, which I LOVE.
  • Veins - no new ones yet
  • Stretch marks - 2 major ones on my tummy that I can see (and I can‘t see the whole underside anymore LOL) - a few more than I used to have on my hips and thighs. Small price to pay. I lotion a lot. I feel when I’m getting bigger too because I feel stretching and itching. Whenever I do, I just lotion some more. No biggie.
  • Headaches - not really. None so bad that I can remember at least.
  • Hemorrhoids - not yet, but I fully expect to get them after labor. I have a sensitive tush already. LOL
  • Pregnancy brain/ forgetfulness - I’m always absent minded, nothing new there. I forget important things and remember stupid little things that no one should.
  • Crazy emotional outbursts - maybe 2 total so far. I think I’ve actually been more balanced in pregnancy than I am naturally. Seriously! I really have enjoyed being pregnant!
  • Skin, hair, nail changes - rapid nail growth, but my hair is yuck. I know that’s partly from when I bleached the hell out of it. I can’t wait for it to grow out so I can start cutting it again.
Anything I’m forgetting or that you’re curious about? I have no shame. I will answer :-)

he has his mouth open here! So cute to watch him. I have a feeling I'll just stare at him for a while when he's finally here.

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