Sunday, February 28, 2010

We have a crib!

Our friends Nolte and Shuly had a friend who was getting rid of their crib and were gracious enough to pick it up for us. :-)

They got it all the way up the stairs, but it didn't fit through the door. We left it right there, had some pizza and cake in honor of nolte's birthday (I know! So nice of him to do this on his birthday!), and he came back the next day with the tool to take it apart. Anyway, It is now in the baby's room.

The drawings were from the 2 little girls who previously had the crib. Sweet huh?

Thank you so much Nolte and Shuly!!



  1. Liz and Gabe, this crib is sooo nice! How nice of your friends! I can just imagine the little bebe in there, snoozing away!!! :) XOXOXO
