Friday, February 19, 2010

11 weeks

We are officially one week away from our second trimester. One week until I should start feeling better and will be able to do some freakin laundry and go for a swim and still be awake to cook dinner. Sounds simple huh? I'm dizzy and exhausted just taking a shower and shaving my legs right now. Lol

Wow, 11 weeks!! I have a baby in there!! :-)

I wish these were all photos of mine, but it's still cool to see the growth nonetheless. That looks like a baby, but it's only a couple of inches. Teeny tiny.

Anyway, next week I have the genetics doctor follow up. Maybe they'll give me an ultrasound? Fingers crossed. I want my own photos! :)


1 comment:

  1. This made me think of you. I wish this existed in poster form.

