Friday, February 12, 2010

10 weeks 10 weeks!

Today is Friday and that means 10 weeks! Whoop whoop!

The exhaustion continues. Haven't thrown up this week but felt close a few times. I dry heave at the slightest thing.

To answer some of my dear Syda's questions, I go back to the doc thursday and will have my second round of blood tests. I had good blood pressure when I was there last, and never really had a problem with it before. I try to eat well, but it's hard. Sodium intake is difficult. It seems that all I can handle is salty food. Crackers and cheese are the best. I sleep okay. I wouldn't say well. I wake up a lot to pee in the night and I now have restless legs. Plus, I usually sleep on my tummy and the boobs are so sore that it can be difficult sometimes. I think that was all of the questions kiva mentioned in her last email :-) email me though, I'd love to hear from you too!

There's the iPhone app snapshot. :)

Hopefully all will go well on Thursday. I'm thinking of renting a baby Doppler to hear the heartbet at home. Just til I feel movement. It will keep my mind at ease. I found a few online for like $14 a month. I think it's worth it.


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