Thursday, August 12, 2010

9 MONTHS!!!!!!!

How far along? We are NINE MONTHS PREGNANT today. 36 weeks. 28 days till our due date, 7 days until we’re full term. (I really still don’t get why 9 months isn’t full term, but I’m just following what all the guides tell me!)

How big is baby? Still the same fruit. Just heavier. I think he’s a little over 6.5 pounds now. (look how big he is in that drawing!!)

Development: He’s ready………are we?

How huge is mama? So big it’s scary. Holy Mary Mother of God… I gained 6 pounds this week!! LOL that’s awesome. He’s going to come out a 5 pound baby…watch… LOLOL

Movement? LOW…. He still likes to kick my sides though, not so much my ribs now so I’m pretty confident that he’s dropped.

Food? I can eat now. (and apparently, I've been overdoing it this week!!) I have more room. I still have to be careful what I eat though. Tummy is still sensitive. I’m chomping on lots of ice these days, and want soups. (particularly tomato soup from the yard house…)

Belly button? It’s actually getting weird looking… definitely different. I don’t think there’s much left. See?? (Nolte and Shuly painted those turtles for Santos :-) I was showing him, and telling him how much he's already loved!)

Pregnancy symptoms? I’m just really tired lately, and then I’ll have moments where I NEED to do things. Heartburn is in check though so that’s good. Other than that, the usual complaints - hips and pelvic bones are all weird and achy.

Crazy things giving me anxiety? Just that I won’t be able to get everything checked off my to-do list in time. I don’t want to bring the baby home and say “oh crap, I wish we would have done that already”

Labor Signs? Pain in my southern region…. Sharp, stabbing pain. It’s supposed to be dilation and his head against my cervix. Other than that, I believe I’m having contractions. Now, whether they’re Braxton hicks or real ones I have no clue, but they don’t have any regularity to them and aren’t really painful, so I’m not worried.

Milestones? Hello 9 months! We are officially less than a month away from baby, no matter how you slice it.

Looking forward to next? Our hospital tour on Saturday. So many questions. I already packed my bag (well, as much as I could right now) and baby’s things (see his cute little outfit with the shoes from Tia Steph and Tio Flo, and the blanket Nani made him?!). I’m also looking forward to our checkup on Tuesday. It’ll be my first exam to see if we’re dilated and all that fun stuff. Weird part is, it doesn’t matter how dilated you are… I guess you could be completely closed up and then a few hours later in full labor. The body is a crazy, crazy thing.

This is my "holy crap, I'm huge..." face.



  1. Okay so I'm embarrassed, you might have just posted this five minutes ago, I'm totally obsessed. Sorry if I come off a little scary, ha ha! I'm glad little mister has such a stylish outfit for his first outing (wink). You look great! Love you.

  2. AWWWW congrats on your not so small jellyfish/lentil!!! What a milestone. Liz you look great!!! FYI, I'm shopping (w/ Tamer) for a belated shower gift this weekend, just love it.
    Can't wait to see you in Oct, but we'll be in touch in the meantime.

  3. Holy crap, lil. I can't get over your belly. I love it. I love that picture of the little booties on your belly! Absolutely adorable! Oh my goodness, lil. I love you three so much! I can't wait!
