Thursday, August 5, 2010

35 weeks!

How far along? 35 weeks! 5 weeks (35 days) until our due date, and 14 days till we’re full term!!

How big is baby? Still a large cantaloupe. I guess we’re running out of fruit. He’s the same height, now he’s just packing on the pounds.

Your baby boy is only two weeks from being considered full-term. Increasing amounts of fat are being stored in the skin, so the tissues of the body, arms, and legs begin to look still plumper. He may not be ready to regulate his temperature yet, though.

The lungs are almost fully developed but still have some time left to completely mature.

The survival rate for babies born at 35 weeks is about 99%; of surviving infants, the rate of serious medical complications is about 8%. Remember that survival and complications rates are highly dependent on the baby’s sex and race as well as the quality of the NICU. Relax.

How huge is mama? Tisk, tisk… I gained 2 pounds again. LOL oh well.

Movement? The other night, Gabe came home from work and decided to say hello to Santos by blowing a raspberry on my tummy. He scared the baby so bad that he jabbed my insides so hard I immediately sat up. I laughed SO hard. Poor baby. He definitely didn’t like that.

Food? Can we say heartburn? I don’t know why, but this week has been especially bad with the heartburn. I took 2 bites of Gabe’s curry last night and immediately felt it. Maybe Santos has lots of hair like his cousins!

Belly button? Still there!

Pregnancy symptoms? My hips, lower back, and pelvic bones are in a state of constant pain lately. At our birthing class, they recommended that if your insurance covered it, it would be a good idea to get aligned by a chiropractor before the birth. It’s supposed to help with him traveling down the birth canal and all that good stuff. If it does, great! But honestly (and selfishly), I just want some relief for right now! I am a bone cracker by nature anyway and have always cracked every bone I could. With the extra tummy, I can’t do it alone anymore. So I’m just looking forward to a good bone cracking. LOL and like I said, it’s covered by our insurance so why not? (yes, I made sure they worked with pregnant women before I made the appointment… Gabe made sure to ask me that a few times lol)

Crazy things giving me anxiety? No more anxiety really… I think I’m ready! But I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t over think… Every time I move I wonder if my water will break, and every time I get a tummy ache I wonder if it’s the beginnings of contractions. (I heard that some women think they’re just coming down with a stomach bug when they’re really in the early stages of labor)

Milestones? I have made appointments to meet pediatricians. That is the most “oh my GOD this is real” moment I’ve had in a while.

Oh and THIS: I’ve been having lots of dreams about our little guy. One where I didn’t see his face, only his tush and it wouldn’t stop pooping no matter how often I wiped - and another where I was in labor, couldn’t reach Gabe, and the baby decided that the best way out would be through my tummy… like the movie Alien… he just pushed his way through my skin. The weird part was that I was completely ok with it and even got excited when his head was sticking out of my abdomen. He came out fine, but with a cone head still, and the nurses took him and I was yelling at them to give him back because I didn’t want them to feed him. (I want to breastfeed asap after the birth, I’m sure that’s where that came from) Yep, and Gabe missed the whole thing! No clue where he was. Better not have been on that xbox!!

Looking forward to next? Snuggling my little monkey when he finally gets here. I’m so excited to meet him it’s insane… one more week and my doctor said they’ll stop trying to keep him in. so if he’s ready, we are!
This weekend we’re going up to Gainesville to visit my little sister Beck! She’s graduating from UF and we couldn’t be prouder of her!! Aside from that, I can’t wait until the nursery is complete and set up the way I picture it in my head. I think by Friday, the painting will pretty much be done. Here are the updated photos from last night:


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