Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh my GOD, we're 6 months pregnant!

How far along? 24 weeks, 6 months. Insanity!

• The rapid phase of growth noted over the past six to eight weeks is beginning to slow.

• Proportionally speaking, the baby is still surrounded by a relatively large amount of amniotic fluid. That, combined with increasing muscle strength, makes strong kicking and punching movements more frequent.

• The Alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs are forming, although still lacking is a substance called surfactant, which keeps them from collapsing.

Size of Santito? A papaya :)

Size of mama? It's the weirdest thing. I gained 2 pounds from last week so now I'm back to where I was a month ago and I still haven't gotten back to my prepregnancy weight.

From my lowest weight I gained only 10 pounds and I'm still 6 away from prepregnancy. Crazy! I am up a little less than half an inch around though. Lol

Stretch marks? Yesss (sighhhhhh) not more on the front of my tummy but I'm noticing them on my sides. Like right on and in front of my hips. Where I feel the stretching!! Usually after I eat, my sides feel like I'm being pulled by an imaginary string attached to my belly button. I'm buttering away. I found this stuff that's actually amazing. It doesn't smell like funky cocoa butter. I love it. :)

Movement? If I catch him in an active mood and sit watching long enough, I can see elbows fists and feet moving across my belly. The first time it happened, I'll be honest, freaked me out. It wasn't the typical bump from within. It was a body part! A distinct, tiny, body part pushing me! Now it's fun to watch the waves dance across my stomach. I get a kick out of the big ones. It really is like a cartoon when they're hungry. You know, the tummy tremble?? Lol that's exactly what it looks like.

Food? Um... Brown rice spicy shrimp roll (don't worry it's cooked!) and a cinnamon bun anyone? Together! I regretted that one almost immediately after. Then, I think it was the next night, I had an apple muffin, followed by pickles, and finished with a cookie. Yuck! (but yum at the time!)

Clothes? Still lucky enough to be getting away with my old clothes and my belly band. Love dresses! Haven't made a maternity purchase yet. ;) I'm also not a big shopper anyway so going out to look for clothes is not my favorite thing to do. Actually, it's one of my least favorites.

Milestones? We were eating at chic-fil-a and the cashier said "what are you having? Boy or girl?" I was happy. Julie told me over the weekend that I was still in the phase where people may not know it's a baby bump. So for this lady to have the confidence (or stupidity) to directly ask me was nice.

The next day our neighbor said "look at you! You really popped didn't you!"

Yay! I'm pregnant :)

What I miss? A hot bath (with a bath bomb from lush, of course).

Looking forward to next? Tonight, I'm going to hang out with Nichole and the girlies. Nichole is hosting a spray tan and wine tasting party. Yep, I'm getting the bump sprayed. :) I looked it up and it should be safe. They're usually vegetable dyes and I won't get my face done anyway. They said to just wear a mask and not breathe it in. I've never been sprayed before! (or tanned before for that matter!)

Oh and THIS: my nails are insane. They just keep growing. I actually had to trim them for the first time in my life. They usually break on their own. I realized I don't like long nails. They just get in the way. I think it's the crazy horemone rush. I read that's where the belly line comes from. All the crazy horemones.

He likes to sit way low. Lol


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