Thursday, May 27, 2010

25 Weeks!

How far along? 25 weeks! Would you look at how big he's getting?? He's taken over my whole tummy according to that photo. No wonder his kicks are so strong now!

• The baby's arms and legs are growing this week, almost to their birth length. It should be no surprise, then, that your baby boy will begin reaching for his feet around this time.

• The circulatory system is undergoing tremendous development. Capillaries are developing on the skin, giving it a pinkish color. In addition, blood vessels are developing in the lungs, preparing the baby to be able to breathe in a few months.

• Your baby weighs about 1-1/2 pounds already!

Size of Santito? An Eggplant

Size of mama? As of yesterday, I gained 3 pounds this week and I'm up a half inch. :-) Grow baby, Grow!

Movement? I really want other people to be able to feel him, but whenever we're around people that are talking, it seems like he sits very still and just listens. Seriously! He doesn't move. But alone, at home, watching tv, he doesn't stop! I'm going to try and get a video of my belly jumping around and I'll post it.

Food? Nothing crazy this week. I am just finding myself hungrier. I'll eat a full dinner, and then an hour or 2 later, I'm ready for dinner again. Like I didn't eat the first time.

Milestones? This week was really boring. I think I've moved into the "nesting" phase of my pregnancy. I cleaned the house from top to bottom, I went through every article of clothing we own, cleaned them, and organized them. the closets look awesome. When I get back, I plan to tackle the den. So much stuff to get rid of in there.

Looking forward to next? I'm on the way to see Jess as I type! Expect many, MANY posts with photos of baby Ella. I can't wait!!

No photos of the belly right now, we're driving. I'll try to remember when we get there but somehow I think I'll be distracted :-)

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