Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Today I got a new book that I had ordered. It turns out that a lot of the things I feel (new things this time around) are normal preggo stuff. For example: drooling like a dog, I suddenly have RLS (restless leg syndrome), hot flashes, dizziness, and after I eat I want it to come back up and go very very far away... Back pain, boob pain, ear pain (that one is a joke but you'd almost expect it at this point) oh... and I'm gassier than a mofo. Gross I know, sorry if that's tmi.

Sounds like I'm menopausal not pregnant.

But I'll take this times a million. It's so worth it. I just want a healthy baby in there. As the days get closer to my doc visit i get more nervous and, of course, excited.


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