Monday, January 11, 2010


So I'm getting a little antsy. My first visit is on the 18th and I wanted to see if anyone would take me earlier (like today lol) and I spoke to one of the nurses and she said that spotting was considered the first day of my last period. I didn't count the spotting. I just counted from the first "real" day. Soooo. That means I'm farther along. 6 weeks and 3 days. Our eta is 9/3.

Mari's wedding is 9/11.

I kinda hope she was wrong (i know...) or that I'll be really late so I can drive my huge ass to Tampa to celebrate mari's special day and make it back in time to pop. Wishful thinking? Idunno. We shall see.

Anyway, she said that they won't see ladies until 8 weeks along, so she made an appointment for me for the 21st. I let her just in case it doesn't work out with the first doc. I want someone to be really up front with me about every little thing that may be a concern. I do not want a repeat of last time. I have the right to know.

That's enough. I'm staying positive positive positive. So now I have 2 doc visits scheduled for next week. And they both feel like an eternity away!!

Jess said that she feels Ella moving around in her belly already. :-) it's so cool! I am so excited for Jess and Ryan. I can't wait to feel her kicks. She should be kicking by the shower in march. I am so excited!!!

Is it really wrong that I'm scared a little for my own kicks? Like I keep envisioning that scene from spaceballs where the guys belly is moving. I know I'm silly... But it's true. I'm a little nervous about it.

Health wise I feel great. All of my reading says I should be green by now but I haven't been sick at all yet. Just very, very tired. After we got home from the book store yesterday I fell asleep while gabe was reading names.

I take frequent cat naps.

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