Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My pee says..

Gabe and I were in target and remembered the test that Jessie took to find out the gender. We fully know that it's probably a novelty thing, but jessies was right and we thought it would be fun.

The results are in:

Green meant boy, and orange was girl. We'll know for sure in a few months. :-)

My pee says boy!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I threw up this morning :( every time I brush my teeth, I've been gagging. Today was the big one.

I went to my sonogram today. Still got a heartbeat. I was relieved. The rest of the week is more testing. Thursday is more blood to do a genetic work up, and Friday is a glucose test. I have to drink yucky liquid and have blood taken like 16 times (I don't know how many) do they typically do this so soon? I don't think so... Maybe it's because I'm over weight? Who knows. Maybe it's normal.

At any rate, I'm glad everything seems to be going well :)

Hang in there nugget!


Friday, January 22, 2010

It's official.. Everyone knows now

No more secrets. Mom and dad z found out last night (well dad did, mom knew since sunday)

And moni and flo got their cards in the mail and called last night. Perfect timing!

After, dad and gee got into a discussion about going to the dentist, and they had a floss off. Lol

Earlier in the day I went in to visit my friends at my old job. I miss them a lot. They saw the bandaid on my arm and automatically asked if I was pregnant because that's the only reason I would take myself to the doctor. They know me so well...


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Yesterday was so scary and so great! Scary because i was so nervous. But everything went great. We have a great heartbeat and we seem healthy. I like the new doctor. She's young and really nice. It seemed like the nurses all recognized the women so that's good. They'll know who I am and I won't be lost in the shuffle.

Gabe took a mini video. You can't really see or hear much but here it is anyway:

Stay strong little roots!


Monday, January 18, 2010

First doctor visit

It went great! Saw the heartbeat and we're less pregnant than we thought. My cycles are always wacky so they said it's ok. I'm only 6 weeks 2 days. But everything looked good! I feel much more at ease. But exhausted! I'm going to nap and then I'll be back with more. :-)


Dinner at faith and arnie's

Last night we went to faith and arnie's place in hallendale to have dinner with everyone. Steph was here from LA because her friend is getting married next month and the bachelorette party was over the weekend. Poor thing got the stomach flu and ended up eating plain white rice while we all enjoyed this gourmet meal that arnie and faith cooked.

Before we left I asked gabe if he had planned on telling anyone. He said he would rather wait until after the doc appt today. I understood. I said that I was worried that they'd cook something I couldn't eat like steak tar tar. Lol

When we sit down to eat, it's a beautiful fillet mignon. Perfectly cooked, perfectly medium rare. With a soft cheese to put on top. Had I not been preggo... I would have been in heaven.

As soon as I cut into it I shot gabe a terrified look. He shot one back like "just eat it!" so I look-said no. We had a lengthy discussion across the table with no words.

In the end he had to make the announcement earlier than he wanted just because i was so freaked out that I was being rude not eating.

Everyone was super excited for us. :-)


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dad's dinner party

It went awesome. They're so happy. :)


Friday, January 15, 2010

7 weeks

Today we are 7 weeks. I don't know if it's planned but I should be able to see/hear the heartbeat when I go in next week. I looked at a few on youtube to see what I may look like.

My tracker says he's the size of a blueberry. :-) cute

Just watched an episode of a baby story and cried my eyes out. Damn hormones! Lol I've never cried watching that show. I guess I'm excited too :)


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Today I got a new book that I had ordered. It turns out that a lot of the things I feel (new things this time around) are normal preggo stuff. For example: drooling like a dog, I suddenly have RLS (restless leg syndrome), hot flashes, dizziness, and after I eat I want it to come back up and go very very far away... Back pain, boob pain, ear pain (that one is a joke but you'd almost expect it at this point) oh... and I'm gassier than a mofo. Gross I know, sorry if that's tmi.

Sounds like I'm menopausal not pregnant.

But I'll take this times a million. It's so worth it. I just want a healthy baby in there. As the days get closer to my doc visit i get more nervous and, of course, excited.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Yesterday I took my babies for a walk. Both of em. :-)

(Nice preggo acne eh?) anyway it was beautiful out so we walked and then sat in the sunshine and hung out for a while.

Later in the evening... The wii told me I gained 3.7 pounds already. Boo! I gotta be careful!

Today beckala called me. She said that she had gone into my walgreens account looking for photos for dad and came across some of the photos I used when I made his card.

She was very, very happy to hear the good news. Well... Confirmation of what she suspected lol!!

Can't wait to tell mom and dad now :-)


Monday, January 11, 2010


So I'm getting a little antsy. My first visit is on the 18th and I wanted to see if anyone would take me earlier (like today lol) and I spoke to one of the nurses and she said that spotting was considered the first day of my last period. I didn't count the spotting. I just counted from the first "real" day. Soooo. That means I'm farther along. 6 weeks and 3 days. Our eta is 9/3.

Mari's wedding is 9/11.

I kinda hope she was wrong (i know...) or that I'll be really late so I can drive my huge ass to Tampa to celebrate mari's special day and make it back in time to pop. Wishful thinking? Idunno. We shall see.

Anyway, she said that they won't see ladies until 8 weeks along, so she made an appointment for me for the 21st. I let her just in case it doesn't work out with the first doc. I want someone to be really up front with me about every little thing that may be a concern. I do not want a repeat of last time. I have the right to know.

That's enough. I'm staying positive positive positive. So now I have 2 doc visits scheduled for next week. And they both feel like an eternity away!!

Jess said that she feels Ella moving around in her belly already. :-) it's so cool! I am so excited for Jess and Ryan. I can't wait to feel her kicks. She should be kicking by the shower in march. I am so excited!!!

Is it really wrong that I'm scared a little for my own kicks? Like I keep envisioning that scene from spaceballs where the guys belly is moving. I know I'm silly... But it's true. I'm a little nervous about it.

Health wise I feel great. All of my reading says I should be green by now but I haven't been sick at all yet. Just very, very tired. After we got home from the book store yesterday I fell asleep while gabe was reading names.

I take frequent cat naps.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Congratualtions to the almost Adamsons :-)

Last night we attended the engagement party of 2 of our best friends, Bobby and Nichole. It was ABSOLUTELY beautiful. She was absolutely beautiful.

I had such an amazing time hanging out with her wonderful family. When it was time to leave, I could feel my body start to shut down so we didn't make it to the after party. We had to put the baby to bed. lol

Reading material

Today daddy and I went to eat and stopped by barnes and noble for a look at their baby books.

A lady came by and was like "awe, you guys are reading pregnancy stuff!" it was cute. She recommended a book for us. :-)

Other titles we saw included "she's having a baby - and I'm having a breakdown" LOL and this one...

Some of them were really funny!

I got a few for me and one for my dads birthday. "so you're expecting to be a grandparent"

I can't wait to see their reaction on Saturday!! :-)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sweat Pea

Awe, hello little sweet pea! I love you more than you know.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

5 weeks

Today I took my 5-week photo. I won't post it because I was in my chones. No one wants to see that :-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

We're pregnant again!!

This jelly (god willing) will be here at the beginning of September.

Here's daddy's response:

I found out today after a quick trip to the dollar store. I grabbed some pregnancy tests and really thought nothing of it. Well... When all 3 were positive, I went to cvs and got a "real" test just to make sure...

Think it's sure. :-) so happy!!!!!!!! Please god! I'll be on my best behavior. I promise I'll take good care of jelly. Please don't take this one.

Tonight I'm updating all of my calendars and called mom for the number of the doc she recommended. It took my all not to tell her on the phone. I'm going to do my best to hold out and tell the Richko's all together on dad's birthday. That's 2 weeks.

Can I make it?? :-D