Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm nuts

Lately I've become obsessed with coupons, freebies, and sales. Since becoming a one-income household, we've had to cut corners and save where we can. This whole new coupon world has opened up to me. I actually get excited about how much I saved. Lol it's pretty sad that this is a source of excitement in my life now but hey, ......whatever. :-)

I saved $30 at cvs last night and got $7 credit for next time. Woo!

Lol I know... I'm insane.


  1. Where do you get your coupons Lizzie? Google? Or the newspaper? What's your secret?:)

  2. I'm a little insane. I get them from multiple places - paper, online, and I watch store circulars to wait for things that I need to go on sale and use coupons to make them way cheaper. It takes a little time but it's worth it ;-)
