Friday, March 25, 2011

Big boy

YouTube Video

So after the first "dada" he was saying it all over the place. Lol

You can kinda hear it in the video. (somewhere in the middle between his raspberry noises :)

Then at bed time... We tried something new.

We put the bumpers back on, flipped the mattress to the softer side, it wasn't soft enough so I added a cushy blanket under him, laid him on his side with a rolled up blanket behind him so he wouldn't tip back over, and stuck his feet against the side bumper in the hopes to recreate our bed and me. (he sleeps with his feet up against me or over my legs.)

He went to bed at 9:10. I'll let you know how long it lasts. Let's hope all night. Yeah right! But here's to hoping. Lol

If this works (god willing) next phase is to get him to fall asleep in there on his own. Without me rocking him or laying down with him.

I really hope to avoid crying it out. But we'll go there if necessary. But as Tia becky says, "we'll blow up that bridge when we get to it."

He said it.

He said dada. My heart melted and sank at the same time.

Excited he said something. Anything! My boy is growing so fast!!!

But it wasn't mama.

I cried from happiness and just a twinge of sadness/jealousy.

Hey, I'd be lying if I said otherwise.

My squishy is starting to talk. I'm so proud!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Granny!!

We are going out tonight for Granny's thirty-something-th ;-) birthday. Photos and another post to follow but we just wanted to wish her a very happy birthday and hope work goes by extra quick so that she can come play with Santos!! :-)

Happy St. Patty's Day!

We were going to go to our neighborhood pub that we always walk to with the baby, but when we got there, we decided against it. There was a cover charge at the door and a line to get in and it was PACKED. It just didn't feel like we should bring the baby in, so we went up to Jupiter to another pub we know of... similar. Pretty packed. So we nixed Irish food and went out for Thai instead. It was delicious, stress-free, and we enjoyed our spicy St. Patty's dinner. haha!

Munchkin's passport came in the mail too!! How cute!??!?!
All set to go to IRELAND!!!!!! Cannot wait! :-)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Over the weekend....

Over the weekend we did a lot. (I'm way late posting this but we were house-sitting for Gabe's parents and I forgot my laptop with the photos on it... oh well)

Friday Night:

we discovered that we DO NOT like pears.


We went swimming for the first time!!

just the toesies to get used to the temperature
(which was a little cold at first, but ok once we were in)

mommy was terrified I'd get a burn so she made me wear a swim shirt.

at first, he wasn't so sure about this floaty, but once he got used to it,
he was trying to eat it of course.

That was fun!

Thanks Nichole and Bobby for having us over!


We started the day TRYING to get this photo that I had been planning... since he was born really....

Santos has a pair of shoes that matches daddy's...

He refuses to keep shoes and socks on.
Literally, as soon as you let his foot go, he kicks them off...

This is what we ended up with. LOL!

A dog came out of nowhere and scared the cuss out of me. Seriously. And his owner didn't even bother coming across the park to make sure we were ok and that the dumb dog didn't bite our baby!! (Look, I love dogs. But there's a leash law for a reason.)

We decided to call it a day and we'll try for a better photo at a later date.

Then we went down to my mom's for her traditional corned beef and cabbage St. Patty's dinner.

Great Grandma Dotty got to hang out with munchkin

and he was pretty tuckered out at the end.

I don't have a photo for this but I will soon... we went for his 6-month old photo shoot!
I'm super excited to get these back on Friday, they came out SO good.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

He fights it sooooooo hard

YouTube Video

This video makes me laugh because he falls asleep mid sentence.

Oh my boy... Loves to sleep but fights it so much.

Cutie pie

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm nuts

Lately I've become obsessed with coupons, freebies, and sales. Since becoming a one-income household, we've had to cut corners and save where we can. This whole new coupon world has opened up to me. I actually get excited about how much I saved. Lol it's pretty sad that this is a source of excitement in my life now but hey, ......whatever. :-)

I saved $30 at cvs last night and got $7 credit for next time. Woo!

Lol I know... I'm insane.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today chunk muffin and I went on a picnic

He talked to the trees and the baby ducks and I nibbled on some pasta salad and thought about how much he's developed in such a short period of time. He sat (upright) and played with a toy while I ate. That may not sound like a big accomplishment, but trust me, it is. To me at least.

When we got home I nursed him and he did this new leg thing he's been doing recently:

If he's energized while eating, he will do this. He grabs his foot and pumps it into the air. Its kind of funny :)

6 months!!!!!!!!!!

We're half way to his first birthday. I can't believe it and I want time to stop! I am enjoying him way too much to have him be growing this fast!! My little baby is so not a little baby anymore. He's so much fun now though. I love watching all the new discoveries he's making and all his reactions to things that I just take for granted. Like every time I turn the faucet on, he has to watch. He loves to listen to the water and watch it. I think he throws his soother on the floor just so that I have to bring him into the bathroom to wash it off. Smart little bugger.
Yesterday we had our 6-month wellness checkup. At SIX MONTHS, Santos is:

  • 22 Pounds of squishy, chubby, lovie munchkin
  • 28 inches long
  • had 3 shots, 3 bugs bunny band aids, 1 oral vaccine, 3 minutes of tears and then moved on like the big boy he is.
  • Sleeps ok. If he's in bed with mama, he'll sleep through and if he's hungry, will tug my shirt down and barely wake me. If he's in his crib, he'll last until about 4 and then is up wanting to eat and get in our bed. Little snuggle bug!
  • Naps are now regular. Thank GOD. I can actually plan around them now. they are at 10 and 2, and last at least an hour each.
  • Favorite toys:

Yes, a plain old plastic water bottle. He loves the noise it makes.
Baby Einstein jumper. He watches his "your baby can read" video every morning in it while mommy scarfs down her breakfast.

He also still loves that octoplush.

Anything he can put in his mouth makes the list too.
  • Knows and responds to his name (a couple of months now, I just forgot to put it up).
  • Is pretty good at sitting on his own now. Of course, he gets lazy from time to time and just plops over, but in general he's good.
  • LOVES to be read too still. Loves books.
  • Enjoys his Foods:

So far he's had...
Sweet peas (favorite)
Sweet potato
Butternut squash
Bananas (yuck unless fresh)
Prune juice
  • Still nurses every 2-3 hours. We were supposed to get him to 3-4 hours, but that was too tough. I guess I subscribe to the "don't offer, don't deny" method when it comes to breastfeeding. If he wants it, I'll give it to him. Simple as that.
  • His best time of day is the moment he gets out of his bath. He is so relaxed and smiley and happy.
  • Is a professional at going out:
to breakfast on Sunday mornings

Sitting in a big boy booster chair!

In his moby wrap so we can walk to publix for groceries

In the built in seat on the grocery cart (which was disgusting and we will be using the main seat thing next time with one of those cloth covers... yuck...)
  • Went to play in the park with mama for the first time:
He started out lovie with me...

Then he bit my nose...EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. haha!
  • Loves his daddy. LOVES. He gets so excited when daddy gets home. I get a little jealous sometimes because I'm never gone long enough to get that reaction. On the flip side, I'm glad I get to be with him for as long as I can! I can't imagine having to work right now.
  • Rolls over font to back to front (finally! although he doesn't enjoy it and hates doing it still. His doc said that's because he's a big boy and it's a little more difficult for him)
  • is ticklish. SO CUTE. I love to nibble him on his arms and legs and when I use my teeth (gently of course) he goes nuts sometimes.
  • Got his passport. Look at this adorable photo for his passport! (I got frazzled and forgot to take the bib off :-/ oh well)

  • Can sleep unswaddled now... doesn't prefer it though. He prefers to sleep with his mama.
  • Lets mommy be super silly with him (even though daddy would rather him be macho macho allllll the time. LOL)
and the biggest news of all.....


It showed up Friday night. Its his bottom left incisor. The one next to it is trying to get out too, I think it'll be here before we know it. I wish I had a photo but he tries to eat your hand as soon as it hits his lips. No chance of a photo yet. I'll keep trying though.

How's mom and dad holding up?

I'm doing ok. He has started sleeping a little more regular now so I'm not as crazy tired as I was when I wrote the "cry it out" post (which the doctor said I should do when that second tooth shows up and he's no longer teething)

I'm nervous about nursing when his teeth are in completely. He's a little bitey now but it's not bad enough that I want to stop.

I'm really looking forward to going swimming with him. I got swim diapers and a special floaty for him to sit in. All I need is somewhere to go........

I've started sewing things. I'm not very good and usually have things kinda crooked somewhere but I'm getting better. I made:
a diaper clutch (holds diapers, wipes, sanitizer, and booty cream)

and a bib and burp cloth set for Ella! She loves monsters :-)

I'm going to attempt a few more things over the next few weeks... attempt.

Speaking of Ella, I'm really excited that they're coming down to celebrate her birthday. I can't believe it's almost been a year! I miss my Jess.

Daddy is doing well. He's really busy with work lately though. Lots of classes that he's teaching and studying to teach. He works late/overtime almost every night. It stinks (to me at least) but he likes his job so that's good. I'm glad he's happy. :-)

Gabe is a really good daddy, (when he's not letting squishy watch tv... a big pet peeve of mine and the monkey is ADDICTED) we're really lucky to have him.

I'm sure he's really frustrated with me lately because I have been so tired and a little upset and depressed about some private things, but he's been really supportive and helpful when he can be.

We're thinking of getting another car soon. It's getting a little hard to drop off and pick Gabe up from work when I need the car. Sometimes Santos is just not in the mood to be in the car and it's difficult. Plus, I want to be able to take him places like story time at the library or mommy and me play groups. We'll see...

That's all I can think of for now! :-) until next time...