How far along? 39 weeks. I seriously would have bet money we wouldn’t have made it to this week. I am totally surprised and a little disappointed to be honest that I’m writing another update and it’s not that he’s here!! I was SO SURE that the last week in August was our time. At least we have an official countdown now though and this IS the last “Thursday update” post I’ll be writing without my little one. ONLY 5 DAYS UNTIL OUR INDUCTION. Which means, I WILL be holding our son in less than a week. So amazing. I cannot believe we are going to be blessed with such a miracle. I can’t wait. ;-)
How big is baby? Who knows at this point. Beck came with me to my checkup on Tuesday and she got a little peeved at the doctor for saying we’re going to have a monster baby if we leave him in there to cook too long. Lol
Development: now he’s just comfy and knows he’ll stay fed and warm and keeps hitting the snooze button. He is our baby after all…
How huge is mama? No weight gain since last week, still huge though. The belly is definitely lower. I can now squish areas in my upper ribs that were once very hard.
Movement? Still really good, but noticeably less. He’s running out of room.
Food? Anything and everything. Curry, cheeseburgers, salsa… I’m eating for comfort now. LOL
Belly button? Same.
Preparations: We’ve tried EVERYTHING to get him to come out. I mean EVERYTHING!! Pressure points (which were awesome at giving me contractions, but not sending me into labor), spicy food (curry), walking walking and more walking (still doing that one because it’s only good for us), pineapple, eggplant parm, bunny hops (yes, exactly what you think), we even tried the caster oil… TWICE, which produced lots of cramps and contractions (and yucky bowel movements…sorry TMI) but no labor!! We’ve yelled at the belly, we’ve given him massages downward to try and get him to move down, I’ve done lunges and squats, and we even used the breast pump. ALL THIS and no baby yet. He’s as stubborn as his mama….
Pregnancy symptoms? I’m still pregnant. :-(
Crazy things giving me anxiety? I’m extremely nervous about being induced at this point. I really wanted to avoid it but if it’s the best thing for him than that’s what we’ll do. I was hoping to do this as natural as possible… I wanted to avoid an epidural for as long as I could but with the pitocin it’s guaranteed that you’ll need one. PLUS, I know me. I will not be sleeping at all Monday night.
Labor Signs? SO many signs!! How is he not here yet???? We’ve had contractions, cramps, I lost my mucus plug (again, sorry TMI), we’re dilating (not much but some is better than none), it feels sometimes like he’s about to just fall right out. LOL ayeyeye….
Milestones? Being pregnant. ;-) no matter how yucky I may have felt at any point (and to be honest, I was very, very lucky this whole pregnancy) I would do it 10 times over. Being a mom has always been a life goal of mine. I always said that I was meant to be a mommy, and I’m finally going to be one. I’m so excited, nervous, happy, anxious, (you name it). I have an amazing husband who I love to death and I’m about to have an amazing little boy who I already love with every bone in my body. Life is good!
Looking forward to next? Meeting my baby, of course! We’re not going to make it to 40 weeks so this is officially our last interview update. I can’t wait to be posting photo after photo of our sweet baby boy and sharing all about him. The blog will definitely continue, it’ll just be one big shrine to baby Santos! LOL I will definitely post all about our labor and all that fun stuff when he’s born.
I never entered a guess/predictions for the baby pool (thanks to everyone who did it! It was great to see all the guesses, I especially loved that little man, our cat, got in on the action LOL) so here’s mine:
Date: I was way off, I thought last week.
Weight: 8lbs 6oz.
Height: 21 inches
Looks like? His daddy with a full head of thick black hair :-) and maybe a blue dot on his bum?
Hope he gets: Daddy’s easygoingness and ability to befriend everyone in any room - always, mama’s teeth (Gee, make that appointment already…) and from the sonograms it looks like he already has mama‘s fat bottom lip, some sort of interest in the arts whether it be from the Zavala side with actual artistic ability or the Richko side with music, passion for whatever he intends on doing and follows through with it, I hope he’s respectful, caring, and outgoing, I hope he DOESN’T get addicted to video games like his daddy, and that he gets mama‘s cooking skills. Most of all…I hope he gets the life he deserves and all the love he can handle. He’s already loved more than he’ll ever know.
Come out already Santos… we’re all dying to meet you!
Seriously Santos...we are all waiting! And we have a friend coming for you as well...just not for another 20 weeks!
ReplyDeleteLizzy...Dad and I are so excited and just want to say again what a wonderful mommy and Gee what a wonderful daddy you guys will be. Lizzy, your blog all these months has been so well written. You are very talented in that way too. I pray that all goes well with your upcoming labor and delivery. We love all three of you with all our hearts! Nani and Tata