Sunday, July 18, 2010

water slide baby

So Saturday was our first childbirth class. It's also our last. LOL naw, it wasn't that bad but the next class is just for me. It's about breastfeeding and bonding and I'll probably be going alone.

The instructor was really great. She made it very comfortable. There were about 9 couples total so it was a pretty full room. There was: the quiet couple, the mom who was angry about everything having to do with doctors, nurses, and/or hospitals, the funny African American couple, the emotional mom that cried the whole time, a mom and her daughter (that I actually hope was special because if she wasn't, she was extremely rude), a couple who couldn't decide if they wanted to really be there and ended up leaving half way through, a lady who was by herself because he husband was deployed (and felt the need to comment on every single thing the instructor said... got kinda annoying), a couple who we later found out was only 14 years old (the mom) and 16 (the dad), and then there was us.

When we first started, the instructor asked that we go around the room and introduce ourselves and all that.... she said "who wants to go first" and I almost smacked Gabe for raising his hand. She of course picked him first and he looked at me and I was probably already red (I HATE attention being brought to me in any way) and he said "sorry" and everyone laughed. Aye, Gabe...

we covered everything from signs of preterm labor (which scared me because I am currently experiencing 4 out of 6 signs, but they are also typical pregnancy symptoms lol so until I lose my plug, break water, and have real contractions, I won't worry too much) movements, breathing, and different techniques for coping with contractions, DON'T shake your baby, breastfeeding, watched a few videos, and a ton of other stuff. Yes, THOSE kind of videos. I was sure I'd get home and dream about scary births, but I was actually ok! Without really getting disgusting on here, the reason that this post is titled "water slide baby" is because that's what Gabe named one of the births. The lady was yelling "OOOOHHH IT'S COMING, IT'S COMING!" and sure enough, that baby flew out. Seriously! they almost didn't catch him... It's now a joke between us. :-)

They gave us a million hand outs, including "Men have babies too" which Gabe loved...

It included lunch and a couple of books, and was really worth going! I'm really glad we did!

It's seriously amazing how different people are. The one that I was hoping was special.... She refused (seriously refused) to participate and made her mom introduce her. She had this awful frowney face the entire time! She wouldn't demonstrate a technique (we all had to, and again, I was soooo uncomfortable but I did it!) she demanded a root beer for lunch, and then went to sleep during the class. It doesn't sound like much, but she just had something about her that was just off... I can't explain it.

The mom who hated hospitals and the lady that wouldn't stop talking scared the hell out of me too. They were going on and on about how hospitals only care about money and will force you to do things just because it'll make them more money and blah blah blah homebirth with a Doula is the only way to go. Ok... as much as I wish I could pay $1,200 for a Doula that's most likely not covered by insurance, and I actually agree with most of what they were saying... I have to go to the hospital. I can't afford any other way. I kind of tuned them out a little just to keep my sanity. Especially after the speech the instructor gave us about staying happy and positive because the baby feels how we feel at all times. I've been pretty good this whole pregnancy, and with the exception of a few major meltdowns that I'm convinced were hormone related, I think I'm even more balanced than when I am not preggo, but now I'm definitely more conscious about my emotions and what I watch on tv and getting involved with drama that I don't need to focus on.

We definitely decided that we're going to write a very detailed "Birth Plan" and Gabe said he would help by making sure that the hospital and our doctor would not only be well aware of our preferences, but respected them. I feel good about that. He'll do it in a way that's nicey nicey but still firm and direct. He's great about that kind of stuff. :-)

I also decided that I'm not so sure I'm going to jump and get an epidural. I'm going to go for as long as I possibly can, and Gabe said he'd definitely help me as much as possible to manage the pain. The thing is, the more I read and hear about it, I'd just prefer to not do it if I can manage without it. there are a lot of reasons why the change of heart. I'm by no means saying no to it. I'll still keep it as an option if I really can't do it without it, I just want the benefits of not having it, and they far outweigh just the "no pain" thing. I think it will totally be worth the pain... (but like I said, we shall see when the time comes)

It's funny, the more I learn, see, read, talk about it, the more I change what I thought I wanted. I was the "I don't care give me an epidural and just get him out" type - but now, I'm thinking of all these different things. I may even want a water birth now! I'm going to look into it and ask my doc and the hospital. I know there are tubs in the birthing suits at the hospital we're going to.

Oh and don't get me started on the immunization shots. I think I might have to go to another class just to learn about them....

Anyway, as much as I enjoyed the class... I was wrecked after. Totally exhausted. We ate, walked the doggie, and I fell asleep by 7 and didn't get back up until the next day.

Oh... the whole ruining our mattress thing just wouldn't leave my brain, so I got a protector for $10 online. It came on Saturday afternoon. I promptly put it on the bed and then went into my sleeping marathon. I figured, hey, $10 to save us from having to buy a mattress for a minimum of $500... well worth it.

Yes, that's a boppy under my head. LOL We've claimed it as our pillow until Santos gets here. :-)

I could probably go on... my brain is on overdrive, but this post is long enough! Until next time.....

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