Thursday, July 29, 2010
34 weeks!
How far along? 34 weeks! 6 weeks (42 days) to go and only 21 till we’re full term!
How big is baby? Wellllll, at yesterday’s sonogram, he measured a little over 5 and a half pounds and a full week ahead of schedule. They said that he’s just a big baby and that was completely normal. He just went through a growth spurt. Looking at him on the monitor, I realized just how HUGE he is! I joked about him taking over my belly, but seriously… he has taken over my belly!! He’s head down already, so he’s ready to go! Ahhh!
Development: At about 20 inches and five and a half pounds (but with about five more weeks to grow), most of your baby's growth over the next month or so before you meet will be in weight (with a gain of anywhere from one pound to several), not height (baby's pretty much reached the in utero limit in that department). Accordingly, fat continues to accumulate at a rapid pace these days (on baby, not just on your hips). Back in the middle of your pregnancy, your baby's weight was made up of only two percent fat; now that percentage has soared to closer to 15 percent (and will increase to 30 percent at term). Which means your baby's once skinny arms and legs are now quite plump…and irresistibly, squeezably soft.
Also continuing to grow at an amazing pace is your baby's brain power. Luckily, the part that surrounds that amazing brain — the skull — remains soft. And for good reason: A soft skull will allow your baby to squeeze more easily through the birth canal. (Mother Nature was really thinking this one through — imagine trying to push out a rock-hard head…ouch!)
How huge is mama? Up 2 pounds since last week. Oops :-P
Movement? So much and sometimes it hurts. He’s really strong now. Nichole and Renee came over last night to begin working on our nursery (they’re painting a mural!!) and they felt his kicks. Strong little bugger! I confirmed at the sonogram that it is indeed his feet jabbing me in the ribs. And not just the bottom rib anymore, he goes way up there!
Food? I’m obsessed with the snow cone maker that Gayle bought for our shower. I love it. LOVE it. I don’t even need any flavoring, just plain water.
Belly button? No change
Pregnancy symptoms? Same. Broken bones… hard to walk or lift my legs lol. Just super tired lately. I’ll find that I’ll sit down to rest for what I intend to be 5 minutes… and I’ll fall asleep. I’m like an old lady. Oh! And the hair is worse. Chin hair growing at an alarming rate. So gross. And belly fuzz is now more than fuzz. It’s just ugly…
Crazy things giving me anxiety? I think I’m at peace this week. After the shower and all the support and love, I feel pretty good. Now I’m just getting everything ready and ordering the last bits that we need like the breast pump and milk storage stuff and other things we need. Nothing major though! I cannot believe how generous everyone was! We are so extremely grateful.
Milestones? Seeing the baby again and realizing just how big my monkey is! We’re scheduled for another (and our LAST) sonogram in 4 weeks. I told Gee he should come because it’s insane how different he is now. I hope we make it another 4 weeks….
Looking forward to next? Seeing my sisters again at Becky’s graduation on the 7th. The semi garage sale we’re having this weekend where I hope to get rid of so much clutter we have in this house! Seeing Nichole and Renee again on Tuesday to continue the nursery. Getting some of the things I ordered on Amazon the other night. So much to look forward to!
REALLY?? Soooo, my pregnancy tracker told me this morning that I should be packing my bag for the hospital this week…. Umm… ok. I may just have to amend that anxiety question. LOL any suggestions as to what I should be packing? I read a lot about it and supposedly the hospital supplies you with a lot for the baby, but I’ll probably over pack anyway because… well… that’s just what I do.
Here are some photos of Santos’ room (they’re hard to see because it’s pencil on the walls, stay tuned I’ll add more photos as we paint):
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The photos are up!
Photos from our shower are available on the shower page :-) I'll add more as I get them, plus VIDEO!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Our shower
We had our shower today. It was better than I could have ever hoped for. We are so extremely blessed to have such amazing friends and family. I felt overwhelmed with support, love, friendship, and I can never thank everyone enough. :-)
We are so lucky. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it. We were so happy to have you as a part of such a special day that I will never forget. :) and thank you to those who were not able to make it, your love was still felt from far away and you were definitely thought of and missed!
We are so lucky. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it. We were so happy to have you as a part of such a special day that I will never forget. :) and thank you to those who were not able to make it, your love was still felt from far away and you were definitely thought of and missed!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
33 weeks!
How far along? 33 weeks! 7 weeks (or 49 days) left until our due date, 28 days until we’re full term. Holy crap, that’s less than a month!
How big is baby? He’s a pineapple now! That’s really cute to me, I don’t know why.
Development: he's running out of space. his arm and legs are getting more plump! And he knows the difference between night and day (and if we wanted to be mean, we could shine a flashlight on my belly and scare the crap out of him)
How huge is mama? Plus one pound. I caught a glimpse of myself on a tv monitor leaving a store yesterday and almost screamed. Who was that?! Gabe made fun of me the whole way to the car. He asked if I’d do that when the baby was here. Like I’d be holding him and all of a sudden go “who is that?!” LOL I said there’s a strong possibility that I may be in denial for a while. That sweet little boy is alllll minnneeee….
Sleep? I think I’ll remove this question. It’s only mocking me now…
Movement? He definitely sleeps a lot, but when he’s awake, he tells me. It’s funny to watch my whole belly shift and jerk. Lately it feels like sometimes he’s kicking my ribs or hanging on them and swinging like a monkey. lol
Food? I have to be very careful. It’s like I’m back in the first trimester. Still love my icees though. I much prefer to drink than eat now. I looooveeee water. Never thought I’d say that, but I do! I’m definitely not going back to soda like I was. Nope!
Belly button? Shallowwwww!!
Pregnancy symptoms? Broken pelvis and fatigue. Those are the major ones. My hands and feet/ankles are not swollen (yet) so that’s good. I think me staying hydrated has a lot to do with it though.
Crazy things giving me anxiety? I’ve actually been pretty good this week. I do have it at the back of my mind every time I move that my water might break at any moment. I know, I’m insane.
Milestones? He had hiccups last night! I made Gee come over and feel them. Too funny.
Say WHAT?? A random stranger thought I was having twins… I said no, she said “Are you surrreee???” thanks lady.
Looking forward to next? Our shower is this weekend!!! I CANNOT wait. I’m so excited to be with everyone! It felt like forever in the future, I can't believe it's already here!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
water slide baby
So Saturday was our first childbirth class. It's also our last. LOL naw, it wasn't that bad but the next class is just for me. It's about breastfeeding and bonding and I'll probably be going alone.
The instructor was really great. She made it very comfortable. There were about 9 couples total so it was a pretty full room. There was: the quiet couple, the mom who was angry about everything having to do with doctors, nurses, and/or hospitals, the funny African American couple, the emotional mom that cried the whole time, a mom and her daughter (that I actually hope was special because if she wasn't, she was extremely rude), a couple who couldn't decide if they wanted to really be there and ended up leaving half way through, a lady who was by herself because he husband was deployed (and felt the need to comment on every single thing the instructor said... got kinda annoying), a couple who we later found out was only 14 years old (the mom) and 16 (the dad), and then there was us.
When we first started, the instructor asked that we go around the room and introduce ourselves and all that.... she said "who wants to go first" and I almost smacked Gabe for raising his hand. She of course picked him first and he looked at me and I was probably already red (I HATE attention being brought to me in any way) and he said "sorry" and everyone laughed. Aye, Gabe...
we covered everything from signs of preterm labor (which scared me because I am currently experiencing 4 out of 6 signs, but they are also typical pregnancy symptoms lol so until I lose my plug, break water, and have real contractions, I won't worry too much) movements, breathing, and different techniques for coping with contractions, DON'T shake your baby, breastfeeding, watched a few videos, and a ton of other stuff. Yes, THOSE kind of videos. I was sure I'd get home and dream about scary births, but I was actually ok! Without really getting disgusting on here, the reason that this post is titled "water slide baby" is because that's what Gabe named one of the births. The lady was yelling "OOOOHHH IT'S COMING, IT'S COMING!" and sure enough, that baby flew out. Seriously! they almost didn't catch him... It's now a joke between us. :-)
They gave us a million hand outs, including "Men have babies too" which Gabe loved...
It included lunch and a couple of books, and was really worth going! I'm really glad we did!
It's seriously amazing how different people are. The one that I was hoping was special.... She refused (seriously refused) to participate and made her mom introduce her. She had this awful frowney face the entire time! She wouldn't demonstrate a technique (we all had to, and again, I was soooo uncomfortable but I did it!) she demanded a root beer for lunch, and then went to sleep during the class. It doesn't sound like much, but she just had something about her that was just off... I can't explain it.
The mom who hated hospitals and the lady that wouldn't stop talking scared the hell out of me too. They were going on and on about how hospitals only care about money and will force you to do things just because it'll make them more money and blah blah blah homebirth with a Doula is the only way to go. Ok... as much as I wish I could pay $1,200 for a Doula that's most likely not covered by insurance, and I actually agree with most of what they were saying... I have to go to the hospital. I can't afford any other way. I kind of tuned them out a little just to keep my sanity. Especially after the speech the instructor gave us about staying happy and positive because the baby feels how we feel at all times. I've been pretty good this whole pregnancy, and with the exception of a few major meltdowns that I'm convinced were hormone related, I think I'm even more balanced than when I am not preggo, but now I'm definitely more conscious about my emotions and what I watch on tv and getting involved with drama that I don't need to focus on.
We definitely decided that we're going to write a very detailed "Birth Plan" and Gabe said he would help by making sure that the hospital and our doctor would not only be well aware of our preferences, but respected them. I feel good about that. He'll do it in a way that's nicey nicey but still firm and direct. He's great about that kind of stuff. :-)
I also decided that I'm not so sure I'm going to jump and get an epidural. I'm going to go for as long as I possibly can, and Gabe said he'd definitely help me as much as possible to manage the pain. The thing is, the more I read and hear about it, I'd just prefer to not do it if I can manage without it. there are a lot of reasons why the change of heart. I'm by no means saying no to it. I'll still keep it as an option if I really can't do it without it, I just want the benefits of not having it, and they far outweigh just the "no pain" thing. I think it will totally be worth the pain... (but like I said, we shall see when the time comes)
It's funny, the more I learn, see, read, talk about it, the more I change what I thought I wanted. I was the "I don't care give me an epidural and just get him out" type - but now, I'm thinking of all these different things. I may even want a water birth now! I'm going to look into it and ask my doc and the hospital. I know there are tubs in the birthing suits at the hospital we're going to.
Oh and don't get me started on the immunization shots. I think I might have to go to another class just to learn about them....
Anyway, as much as I enjoyed the class... I was wrecked after. Totally exhausted. We ate, walked the doggie, and I fell asleep by 7 and didn't get back up until the next day.
Oh... the whole ruining our mattress thing just wouldn't leave my brain, so I got a protector for $10 online. It came on Saturday afternoon. I promptly put it on the bed and then went into my sleeping marathon. I figured, hey, $10 to save us from having to buy a mattress for a minimum of $500... well worth it.
Yes, that's a boppy under my head. LOL We've claimed it as our pillow until Santos gets here. :-)
I could probably go on... my brain is on overdrive, but this post is long enough! Until next time.....
The instructor was really great. She made it very comfortable. There were about 9 couples total so it was a pretty full room. There was: the quiet couple, the mom who was angry about everything having to do with doctors, nurses, and/or hospitals, the funny African American couple, the emotional mom that cried the whole time, a mom and her daughter (that I actually hope was special because if she wasn't, she was extremely rude), a couple who couldn't decide if they wanted to really be there and ended up leaving half way through, a lady who was by herself because he husband was deployed (and felt the need to comment on every single thing the instructor said... got kinda annoying), a couple who we later found out was only 14 years old (the mom) and 16 (the dad), and then there was us.
When we first started, the instructor asked that we go around the room and introduce ourselves and all that.... she said "who wants to go first" and I almost smacked Gabe for raising his hand. She of course picked him first and he looked at me and I was probably already red (I HATE attention being brought to me in any way) and he said "sorry" and everyone laughed. Aye, Gabe...
we covered everything from signs of preterm labor (which scared me because I am currently experiencing 4 out of 6 signs, but they are also typical pregnancy symptoms lol so until I lose my plug, break water, and have real contractions, I won't worry too much) movements, breathing, and different techniques for coping with contractions, DON'T shake your baby, breastfeeding, watched a few videos, and a ton of other stuff. Yes, THOSE kind of videos. I was sure I'd get home and dream about scary births, but I was actually ok! Without really getting disgusting on here, the reason that this post is titled "water slide baby" is because that's what Gabe named one of the births. The lady was yelling "OOOOHHH IT'S COMING, IT'S COMING!" and sure enough, that baby flew out. Seriously! they almost didn't catch him... It's now a joke between us. :-)
They gave us a million hand outs, including "Men have babies too" which Gabe loved...
It included lunch and a couple of books, and was really worth going! I'm really glad we did!
It's seriously amazing how different people are. The one that I was hoping was special.... She refused (seriously refused) to participate and made her mom introduce her. She had this awful frowney face the entire time! She wouldn't demonstrate a technique (we all had to, and again, I was soooo uncomfortable but I did it!) she demanded a root beer for lunch, and then went to sleep during the class. It doesn't sound like much, but she just had something about her that was just off... I can't explain it.
The mom who hated hospitals and the lady that wouldn't stop talking scared the hell out of me too. They were going on and on about how hospitals only care about money and will force you to do things just because it'll make them more money and blah blah blah homebirth with a Doula is the only way to go. Ok... as much as I wish I could pay $1,200 for a Doula that's most likely not covered by insurance, and I actually agree with most of what they were saying... I have to go to the hospital. I can't afford any other way. I kind of tuned them out a little just to keep my sanity. Especially after the speech the instructor gave us about staying happy and positive because the baby feels how we feel at all times. I've been pretty good this whole pregnancy, and with the exception of a few major meltdowns that I'm convinced were hormone related, I think I'm even more balanced than when I am not preggo, but now I'm definitely more conscious about my emotions and what I watch on tv and getting involved with drama that I don't need to focus on.
We definitely decided that we're going to write a very detailed "Birth Plan" and Gabe said he would help by making sure that the hospital and our doctor would not only be well aware of our preferences, but respected them. I feel good about that. He'll do it in a way that's nicey nicey but still firm and direct. He's great about that kind of stuff. :-)
I also decided that I'm not so sure I'm going to jump and get an epidural. I'm going to go for as long as I possibly can, and Gabe said he'd definitely help me as much as possible to manage the pain. The thing is, the more I read and hear about it, I'd just prefer to not do it if I can manage without it. there are a lot of reasons why the change of heart. I'm by no means saying no to it. I'll still keep it as an option if I really can't do it without it, I just want the benefits of not having it, and they far outweigh just the "no pain" thing. I think it will totally be worth the pain... (but like I said, we shall see when the time comes)
It's funny, the more I learn, see, read, talk about it, the more I change what I thought I wanted. I was the "I don't care give me an epidural and just get him out" type - but now, I'm thinking of all these different things. I may even want a water birth now! I'm going to look into it and ask my doc and the hospital. I know there are tubs in the birthing suits at the hospital we're going to.
Oh and don't get me started on the immunization shots. I think I might have to go to another class just to learn about them....
Anyway, as much as I enjoyed the class... I was wrecked after. Totally exhausted. We ate, walked the doggie, and I fell asleep by 7 and didn't get back up until the next day.
Oh... the whole ruining our mattress thing just wouldn't leave my brain, so I got a protector for $10 online. It came on Saturday afternoon. I promptly put it on the bed and then went into my sleeping marathon. I figured, hey, $10 to save us from having to buy a mattress for a minimum of $500... well worth it.
Yes, that's a boppy under my head. LOL We've claimed it as our pillow until Santos gets here. :-)
I could probably go on... my brain is on overdrive, but this post is long enough! Until next time.....
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Um, 8 months anyone?
How far along? 32 weeks! 8 MONTHS! Only 8 weeks (56 days) until our due date, and only 35 until we’re full term! AHHH!
How big is baby? He’s a honeydew
This is usually the time your baby boy peaks in activity. He continues to gain weight rapidly, and space in the uterus is become somewhat more limited. Even so, he may still be capable of an occasional back-flip.
Your baby boy will probably double his weight over the next eight weeks.
About 80% of babies have settled in a head-down (vertex) position by now, and most of the remaining 20% will do the same over the next 6+ weeks.
Your baby boy has developed short cycles of wakefulness and now sleeps about 90% of the time.
His hair is getting longer, and he has developed longer fingernails and toenails that reach the edge of the digits.
How huge is mama? Up another pound. Right on schedule! On Sunday when we were out and about, a guy said to Gabe “Is she due today??” I didn’t have the heart to say “no, 2 more months!” LOL
Sleep? Bad.
Movement? He’s a lot quieter. But when he’s active, there’s no mistaking it. I still can’t understand that show “I didn’t know I was pregnant” I guess I’m just lucky I can feel him so well.
Food? Difficult. I found that I have to eat slowly so that I don’t cause issues in there. Everything is all squished up in my chest now. Sometimes it feels like if I bend over, it’ll all just come back out.
Belly button? Still an innie!
(so, our mail person decided that was an appropriate place to leave a package...) We're starting to get baby shower gifts. So sweet. :-) we're so grateful! Thank you!
Pregnancy symptoms? Same old same old. Can’t breathe, nauseous, and REALLY tired all the time. My pelvic bones are hurting so bad now. When I’m up walking around, it feels like they’re separating. I keep telling Gabe that I broke my vagina. LOL (sorry)
Crazy things giving me anxiety? Is he breach? I’m scared he won’t turn and I’ll have to have a c-section. Definitely don’t want a c-section. Good news is I feel kicks and bumps in my ribs so I’m pretty confident that he’s head down or at least on his way.
Also, I’ve been reading about cord blood banking. It sucks that it’s so expensive. I would absolutely have it saved if I had the money. It’s $2,000, and $125 annually to keep it stored. I’m thinking about donating it. No use wasting it if it can help someone. It’s so amazing what it can do! Insurance should seriously cover it, or at least part of it! Oh well, hopefully in the future.
(nice stretch mark huh? Still only the 2 major ones on my tummy haven't seen any new ones sprouting so that's good.)
Milestones? Hello to our 8th month!
Looking forward to next? Our first birthing class is on Saturday. And our shower is NEXT WEEKEND. How did that happen so fast??? I'm so excited to visit with amazing family and friends :-) (Carlos is coming!!!! so excited!!)
I was killing time in the mall yesterday because I was waiting for our car to be ready at Sears (we needed new tires). I'm not the best shopper. I think working in retail killed that side of me that goes to the mall just to shop. When I'm alone, I have to have a purpose and I'm in and out. LOL If I'm with people, it's different. It's more to see them and hang out than shop and I can handle that. Anyway... I digress...
I went to pottery barn kids, and saw this adorable little setup.
I LOVE star wars and they had a whole room decked out in all star wars gear. It was awesome. Plus, this adorable little baby was making it even cuter. :-)
I had 2 full hours, and guess how much I spent? $5 on lunch! Yay me!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
31 Weeks!!
Today we had our visit to the hospital to pre-register and find out all about the epidural. He asked if I had any questions after they made me read this 3 page warning about anesthesia. I said nope. He replied “watching a lot of discovery channel?” I said “something like that, I’m reading everything I can get my hands on.” He seemed glad to not have to sit and answer a million questions. I wonder how other ladies are. I’m not going to get worked up and crazy until I have to. If I have a question then, I’ll have no trouble asking. Plus, today was just to get all my paperwork out of the way. I told them my whole medical history, and they took my vitals. Weird thing though, I was nervous waiting in the lobby for them to call me back. I have no clue why!There was a fish tank in the lobby to keep me company. It turned out to be a piece of cake. Mmm, cake…
How far along? 31 weeks! 9 weeks (63 days) til due date, and only 42 days til we’re full term!
(outfits I just bought today for the monkey)
How big is baby? He's a head of lettuce. Still… what’s up What to Expect App?? Slacking this week?! Another website I follow said this: He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. A growth spurt you say? He doesn’t have much room left in there… I see new clothing in my future.
• Your baby boy continues to gain weight as increasing amounts of fat are deposited in the skin. This will cause his skin to become increasingly opaque in color.
• The hair on his head is more prominent, and the eyebrows and eyelashes have fully developed.
• Lanugo continues its slow disappearance.
• The survival rate for babies born at 31 weeks is about 96%; of surviving infants, the rate of serious medical complications is about 20%. Remember that survival and complications rates are highly dependent on the baby’s sex and race as well as the quality of the NICU.
• The baby's eyesight is improving, and the iris can dilate and constrict in response to light and dark; however, his vision remains far from 20/20. The iris is starting to become pigmented.
• Most light-skinned babies are born with blue eyes, whereas dark-skinned babies are usually born with brown eyes. The final eye color may take up to six months to be defined.
How huge is mama? Up another pound. Feels like 20. I’m a whale. LOL oh and my math was off last week, I’m up a total of 21 pounds now.
Sleep? Hah…
Movement? Slowing down but still good. He’s getting more defined sleep and awake patterns. Seems like he’ll get into a comfy spot and won’t move for a little bit. But while I’m sleeping (or trying to that is…) He goes NUTS. Like doggy paddling against my sides. LOL
Food? My stomach is sooooo sensitive now. Everything makes me sick. The other night, I had just fruit and cheese for dinner. I find that if its simple like just bread, I’ll be ok. So much for closing down the local Chinese buffet… Who are those lucky pregnant women who can actually eat???
Belly button? Shallow, but I doubt it‘ll ever be flat.
Pregnancy symptoms? Same as before, sickies and dizzies, but now (warning TMI) the bones in my lower region feel like… I don’t know how to explain it. Separating? Stretching? It’s just uncomfortable down there. Especially if I walk a lot. Oh, and my face is greasy as hell! So gross!!! People keep saying “you’re glowing,” nope, it’s just the sheen off my greasy face.
Crazy things giving me anxiety? What if I black out? I have been known to just black out. Adrenaline, too much sun, loss of blood… I am prone to black out… Think that’s a possibility during labor? That would be crazy…
Getting ready for Baby? Gayle ordered us some videos about preparing for the baby and they came today! Yay! I’m excited about them. They’re called “Laugh and Learn” so they can’t be too scary for me. :-P Also, Gabe’s friend at work gave him a TON of clothes. I don’t know why, but the dinosaur that says “roarrr” kills me.
Milestones? Figured out that I’m experiencing Braxton Hicks. (False Labor contractions) When I walk around or stand for too long, my tummy gets all tight and I have to sit. As soon as I do it goes away and doesn’t come back so that’s basically the definition of Braxton Hicks. Getting ready for labor!
Looking forward to next? Our first birth class will be next weekend. They said to bring a pillow and blanket so I’m sure we’ll be practicing pain management. I’m looking forward to that for some reason. Maybe they’ll teach Gabe to massage me… oh please! I hope so! (He HATES to massage…) LOL
This one was funny. Julie in particular LOVED it.
How far along? 31 weeks! 9 weeks (63 days) til due date, and only 42 days til we’re full term!
(outfits I just bought today for the monkey)
How big is baby? He's a head of lettuce. Still… what’s up What to Expect App?? Slacking this week?! Another website I follow said this: He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. A growth spurt you say? He doesn’t have much room left in there… I see new clothing in my future.
• Your baby boy continues to gain weight as increasing amounts of fat are deposited in the skin. This will cause his skin to become increasingly opaque in color.
• The hair on his head is more prominent, and the eyebrows and eyelashes have fully developed.
• Lanugo continues its slow disappearance.
• The survival rate for babies born at 31 weeks is about 96%; of surviving infants, the rate of serious medical complications is about 20%. Remember that survival and complications rates are highly dependent on the baby’s sex and race as well as the quality of the NICU.
• The baby's eyesight is improving, and the iris can dilate and constrict in response to light and dark; however, his vision remains far from 20/20. The iris is starting to become pigmented.
• Most light-skinned babies are born with blue eyes, whereas dark-skinned babies are usually born with brown eyes. The final eye color may take up to six months to be defined.
How huge is mama? Up another pound. Feels like 20. I’m a whale. LOL oh and my math was off last week, I’m up a total of 21 pounds now.
Sleep? Hah…
Movement? Slowing down but still good. He’s getting more defined sleep and awake patterns. Seems like he’ll get into a comfy spot and won’t move for a little bit. But while I’m sleeping (or trying to that is…) He goes NUTS. Like doggy paddling against my sides. LOL
Food? My stomach is sooooo sensitive now. Everything makes me sick. The other night, I had just fruit and cheese for dinner. I find that if its simple like just bread, I’ll be ok. So much for closing down the local Chinese buffet… Who are those lucky pregnant women who can actually eat???
Belly button? Shallow, but I doubt it‘ll ever be flat.
Pregnancy symptoms? Same as before, sickies and dizzies, but now (warning TMI) the bones in my lower region feel like… I don’t know how to explain it. Separating? Stretching? It’s just uncomfortable down there. Especially if I walk a lot. Oh, and my face is greasy as hell! So gross!!! People keep saying “you’re glowing,” nope, it’s just the sheen off my greasy face.
Crazy things giving me anxiety? What if I black out? I have been known to just black out. Adrenaline, too much sun, loss of blood… I am prone to black out… Think that’s a possibility during labor? That would be crazy…
Getting ready for Baby? Gayle ordered us some videos about preparing for the baby and they came today! Yay! I’m excited about them. They’re called “Laugh and Learn” so they can’t be too scary for me. :-P Also, Gabe’s friend at work gave him a TON of clothes. I don’t know why, but the dinosaur that says “roarrr” kills me.
I love it so much. There’s also little pants that the butt has a monster on it and the mouth opens a little and it says roar too. Ugh, so cute. Today, I went to Macy’s after my trip to the hospital and got a dress for the shower and an adorable outfit for the monkey…
Milestones? Figured out that I’m experiencing Braxton Hicks. (False Labor contractions) When I walk around or stand for too long, my tummy gets all tight and I have to sit. As soon as I do it goes away and doesn’t come back so that’s basically the definition of Braxton Hicks. Getting ready for labor!
Looking forward to next? Our first birth class will be next weekend. They said to bring a pillow and blanket so I’m sure we’ll be practicing pain management. I’m looking forward to that for some reason. Maybe they’ll teach Gabe to massage me… oh please! I hope so! (He HATES to massage…) LOL
This one was funny. Julie in particular LOVED it.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
It was a year ago today...
Thank you little Santos for making it so much easier on me :)
I love you so much already
I love you so much already
Monday, July 5, 2010
Getting ready
I'm the type of person to make lists. I'll make lists of lists I need to make. Lol. my phone already has a least 7 lists just baby related. Most recently: what to bring to the hospital.
I've been feeling the need to get ready. I know we still have a little bit to go, but I'd rather be ready and waiting now than frantic if he comes earlier than anticipated.
So I finally finished the scary chapters in my books about actual labor and delivery. I'm glad I did. There were things I definitely wanted to be prepared for. For example: did you know that they swab your anus to check for strep b? Glad I know now and won't be shocked when she does it! Lol!! The joys of mommyhood :-)
Anyway - I got to thinking about comfort in the scary bed.
Now, if you know me... You know fashion and style aren't my top priorities by any means. However, the thought if putting on a used hospital gown (yes, I've done it before...... but this will be hours in it) makes me gag honestly. Gross... How many other women have used it... During birth... Which is messy and gross to say the least.
I don't know.
So I started researching ones you can buy online that are hospital approved. Hey, it's one more thing to make me just a little more comfortable, right? Or is it a waste of money? :-/ I'm still on the fence.
I've found some ranging from $25 to $75 (obviously I'd like to stay in the lower area) but here are some examples.
This one is called "Lizzy" :-) but it's a little on the pricey side.
But this one is right up my alley!!
It's called "I dream of sushi" and it's only $24!
What do you think? Get it just for the peace of mind? Or buy diapers with that money?
Anyway- happy belated fourth. We didn't do much. It's my least favorite holiday. We started cleaning out our den to get ready for a garage sale (hopefully... Time is not really on our side) I was pretty pinchie all weekend. Mopey to say the least. Plus, my tummy was bugging out. I didn't throw up but thought I was going to a lot. I'm feeling a bit better now though. :) ready for a new week!
I've been feeling the need to get ready. I know we still have a little bit to go, but I'd rather be ready and waiting now than frantic if he comes earlier than anticipated.
So I finally finished the scary chapters in my books about actual labor and delivery. I'm glad I did. There were things I definitely wanted to be prepared for. For example: did you know that they swab your anus to check for strep b? Glad I know now and won't be shocked when she does it! Lol!! The joys of mommyhood :-)
Anyway - I got to thinking about comfort in the scary bed.
Now, if you know me... You know fashion and style aren't my top priorities by any means. However, the thought if putting on a used hospital gown (yes, I've done it before...... but this will be hours in it) makes me gag honestly. Gross... How many other women have used it... During birth... Which is messy and gross to say the least.
I don't know.
So I started researching ones you can buy online that are hospital approved. Hey, it's one more thing to make me just a little more comfortable, right? Or is it a waste of money? :-/ I'm still on the fence.
I've found some ranging from $25 to $75 (obviously I'd like to stay in the lower area) but here are some examples.
This one is called "Lizzy" :-) but it's a little on the pricey side.
But this one is right up my alley!!
It's called "I dream of sushi" and it's only $24!
What do you think? Get it just for the peace of mind? Or buy diapers with that money?
Anyway- happy belated fourth. We didn't do much. It's my least favorite holiday. We started cleaning out our den to get ready for a garage sale (hopefully... Time is not really on our side) I was pretty pinchie all weekend. Mopey to say the least. Plus, my tummy was bugging out. I didn't throw up but thought I was going to a lot. I'm feeling a bit better now though. :) ready for a new week!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The big 3-0!
We turn 30 weeks today. That little change from the 20's to the 30's means more to me than it will when I actually turn 30. 30 weeks is like... The end here! We're in our final weeks of pregnancy! I feel so many things about it. Excitement being a big chunk, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared too. I just keep telling baby Santos, just let us get through the classes and Tia becky's graduation... Then you're welcome to join us out here where we'll smother you with love and kisses.
How far along? 30 flippin weeks! Only 10 left or 70 days til our due date, and only 6 weeks til we're full term.
How big is baby? He's a head of lettuce. I wish they would specify what type... I'm assuming iceberg. :)
(Gabe took this photo with his phone)
Development: As far as growth goes, your baby's still on a roll, measuring an impressive 18 inches and weighing in at more than three pounds. You can still expect your baby to gain at least three to five pounds, possibly more, before you two meet.
Your baby's brain is working overtime these days, developing faster than ever. Connections between individual nerve cells are growing at a frenetic clip, and your baby can now perceive information from all five senses. Sure, your baby can't smell anything right now, but that's only because he or she is still submerged in amniotic fluid and needs to be breathing air to get a whiff of anything. Lucky for you — and your baby — yours will be one of the very first scents your baby breathes in, a scent that will quickly become his or her very favorite.
So what's your little dove doing all day while you're busy feathering your nest for his or her arrival? Making faces, hiccupping, swallowing, breathing, pedaling with little hands and feet along your uterine wall, and even sucking his or her thumb. In fact, some babies suck their thumbs so vigorously while in the womb that they're born with a callus on their thumb (what a little sucker!).
How huge is mama? Seriously. Huge. I grew a little over a full inch since I last measured. I gained a pound since last week (I'm supposed to average a pound a week from here on) so I'm up a total of 19 pounds. So theoretically... I'll have gained about 30 pounds total for my pregnancy. Not too shabby! I'll take that. let's see if it really happens though. LOL
Sleep? As much as I can. I am starting to get that urge to nap again. Plus, I wake up from all sorts of stuff at night now. Along with the frequent potty trips, I can't breathe and sometimes my heart speeds up. All normal stuff don't worry. It's just anxiety and no space for my lungs to move. Here, I'll prove it: " Indeed, in an effort to provide spacious-enough accommodations for your soon-to-be bouncing baby boy or girl, your growing uterus has compressed your lungs, limiting their ability to fully expand when you take a breath and causing you to feel like you've just run a marathon when you've only climbed a flight of stairs. While this shortness of breath during pregnancy may feel very uncomfortable to you, your baby is blissfully unaware and unaffected. Your fetus gets all the oxygen it needs through the placenta. So relax and take a deep breath (if you can). Are you having intense dreams about the baby and the upcoming birth, which wake you up and cause you to worry? These can be caused by anxiety, the baby's movements or physical discomfort at night. This is normal, and not an indication of anything being wrong with the baby."
Movement? For the first time in a while I fell asleep before daddy last night. I woke up to him holding the baby. He said he was moving a lot. :) i thought that was cute. I can feel it while I sleep I'm just really used to it. I wonder how long it will take me to break the habit of holding my tummy all the time. I love feeling him move and I barely ever take my hand off the belly.
Food? Lately, I want chocolate cake. Last night I had to settle for a pop tart instead. Lol
Belly button? Still hanging in there!
Pregnancy symptoms? Sooo I started to talk about that in my rant yesterday, but it seems like some of the first trimester things are making a comeback. Dizzy, fatigue, nausea, and smelling everything. They're back. New things are the shortness of breath, tummy stretching to the point where it's almost painful, and it's itchy! I can lotion like crazy but it's still itchy where it's stretching.
(Here's a photo of me at the shower on Sunday, can't see him so well from the front view huh?)
Crazy things giving me anxiety? I figure it will help to get them out and talk about them. The more I read the more I think and I have to calm myself down lol! This week it was the crazy urge to go buy diapers and a stroller. I've also been thinking of buying something to protect our mattress just in case my water breaks in bed. I know, the likelihood of that happening is slim, but I don't want to ruin our mattress...the last thing I want to do is buy a new one! Lol
Milestones? I think every week is a milestone. :)
Looking forward to next? I'm not really looking forward to it, but I'm glad to be doing it... On Thursday I'm going over to the hospital to register and get all of our paperwork out of the way and then they have you meet a nurse and an anesthesiologist. I guess we'll discuss the epidural and things like that. So that will be good.
Here's my view...
How far along? 30 flippin weeks! Only 10 left or 70 days til our due date, and only 6 weeks til we're full term.
How big is baby? He's a head of lettuce. I wish they would specify what type... I'm assuming iceberg. :)
(Gabe took this photo with his phone)
Development: As far as growth goes, your baby's still on a roll, measuring an impressive 18 inches and weighing in at more than three pounds. You can still expect your baby to gain at least three to five pounds, possibly more, before you two meet.
Your baby's brain is working overtime these days, developing faster than ever. Connections between individual nerve cells are growing at a frenetic clip, and your baby can now perceive information from all five senses. Sure, your baby can't smell anything right now, but that's only because he or she is still submerged in amniotic fluid and needs to be breathing air to get a whiff of anything. Lucky for you — and your baby — yours will be one of the very first scents your baby breathes in, a scent that will quickly become his or her very favorite.
So what's your little dove doing all day while you're busy feathering your nest for his or her arrival? Making faces, hiccupping, swallowing, breathing, pedaling with little hands and feet along your uterine wall, and even sucking his or her thumb. In fact, some babies suck their thumbs so vigorously while in the womb that they're born with a callus on their thumb (what a little sucker!).
How huge is mama? Seriously. Huge. I grew a little over a full inch since I last measured. I gained a pound since last week (I'm supposed to average a pound a week from here on) so I'm up a total of 19 pounds. So theoretically... I'll have gained about 30 pounds total for my pregnancy. Not too shabby! I'll take that. let's see if it really happens though. LOL
Sleep? As much as I can. I am starting to get that urge to nap again. Plus, I wake up from all sorts of stuff at night now. Along with the frequent potty trips, I can't breathe and sometimes my heart speeds up. All normal stuff don't worry. It's just anxiety and no space for my lungs to move. Here, I'll prove it: " Indeed, in an effort to provide spacious-enough accommodations for your soon-to-be bouncing baby boy or girl, your growing uterus has compressed your lungs, limiting their ability to fully expand when you take a breath and causing you to feel like you've just run a marathon when you've only climbed a flight of stairs. While this shortness of breath during pregnancy may feel very uncomfortable to you, your baby is blissfully unaware and unaffected. Your fetus gets all the oxygen it needs through the placenta. So relax and take a deep breath (if you can). Are you having intense dreams about the baby and the upcoming birth, which wake you up and cause you to worry? These can be caused by anxiety, the baby's movements or physical discomfort at night. This is normal, and not an indication of anything being wrong with the baby."
Movement? For the first time in a while I fell asleep before daddy last night. I woke up to him holding the baby. He said he was moving a lot. :) i thought that was cute. I can feel it while I sleep I'm just really used to it. I wonder how long it will take me to break the habit of holding my tummy all the time. I love feeling him move and I barely ever take my hand off the belly.
Food? Lately, I want chocolate cake. Last night I had to settle for a pop tart instead. Lol
Belly button? Still hanging in there!
Pregnancy symptoms? Sooo I started to talk about that in my rant yesterday, but it seems like some of the first trimester things are making a comeback. Dizzy, fatigue, nausea, and smelling everything. They're back. New things are the shortness of breath, tummy stretching to the point where it's almost painful, and it's itchy! I can lotion like crazy but it's still itchy where it's stretching.
(Here's a photo of me at the shower on Sunday, can't see him so well from the front view huh?)
Crazy things giving me anxiety? I figure it will help to get them out and talk about them. The more I read the more I think and I have to calm myself down lol! This week it was the crazy urge to go buy diapers and a stroller. I've also been thinking of buying something to protect our mattress just in case my water breaks in bed. I know, the likelihood of that happening is slim, but I don't want to ruin our mattress...the last thing I want to do is buy a new one! Lol
Milestones? I think every week is a milestone. :)
Looking forward to next? I'm not really looking forward to it, but I'm glad to be doing it... On Thursday I'm going over to the hospital to register and get all of our paperwork out of the way and then they have you meet a nurse and an anesthesiologist. I guess we'll discuss the epidural and things like that. So that will be good.
Here's my view...
Thank you Tia Jess!!!!
Oh my God!! Jess, THANK YOU! She is so generous! She sent us a total of 3 packages the past 2 days. I love the Jessie touch on this one :-)
How adorable are these?? I can't stand it!
We saw this when I was up there. It was near the "give peas a chance" outfit. SOOO CUTE!
She also gave us a boppy, and the Eddie Bauer travel bed. Too much Jess! Thank you so much! I love you and miss you to pieces!
How adorable are these?? I can't stand it!
We saw this when I was up there. It was near the "give peas a chance" outfit. SOOO CUTE!
She also gave us a boppy, and the Eddie Bauer travel bed. Too much Jess! Thank you so much! I love you and miss you to pieces!
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