Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yeah, that's a nickel. That's the size of the vitamins I'm taking. LOL Horse pills.

Today I am cranky. It's a mixture of not enough sleep (or good sleep for that matter, I've been tossing and turning, and having weirdo dreams.) and just ready to be done with the work week. so ready to just relax....

this morning I wanted cream cheese like you wouldn't believe. I still do actually, but I think I've had my quota. I also decided that I wanted pickles with my cream cheese. yeah......
Grandma is Jewish, so I LOVE pickles, but as breakfast? never. LOL oh Jelly - hang on :) that was pretty gross. sorry!

1 comment:

  1. OH Yeahhhhhh you're sooo cranky. Puh-lease!
    Girrrrrrrrrrrrl, we all get cranky!
    You probably have a little girl in there telling you what for! heheee
    P.S. You have got to get your sleep! Just as important if not more so than the walks.
