Ok now the weeks are flying by like days.
At 7 months, Santos:
-is shy. I have been noticing that when people come over, even people he knows and sees pretty regularly like grandparents, it takes him a little while to warm up and get going. Not that he's upset or anything. Just quiet and observing. Then he gets over it and becomes his smiley self.
-has 2 teeth and likes to bite. His toes, my knuckles, when he eats (ouch), carrots, anything he can. He. Will. bite.
-on a typical day, will eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Fruit with cereal in the mornings, fruit or veg for lunch, and veg for dinner. Nursing before, after, and regularly still. He loves his food. He eats anything you give him.
-subsequently, he has been suffering from some constipation. He'll go a little while and it'll be hard, then he passes (with great effort) some pebbles and then it's all systems go and he poops all day long. I just feel bad for him when he's uncomfortable.
-drinks from sippy cups.
-he has started to do the arm reachy thing when he wants you to pick him up. I find it adorable. For now. Lol :)
-he is going through separation anxiety. Big time. Big, big time. I only noticed it the past few days. I can't even go to the bathroom sometimes without him getting upset.
-has started using the pack n' play to actually play in.
We lowered it so that he can sit up and play with his toys in there. He loves to run his fingers over the mesh sides to make noises. :)
-is starting to skooch. Not crawl really. Just... Well skooch.
-tries to sit up from laying down completely flat. He's almost there. Once that happens I'm in big trouble. Lol
-does. Not. Sleep. In. Crib. (sigh) he still starts there, but barely makes it 2 hours and he wakes up looking for me. Not that I mind snuggling with him. It's just sometimes I do like to snuggle with daddy. :)
-loves the cats. A little too hard sometimes. Lol
-is ready for size 5 diapers. As soon as the 4's run out we'll be purchasing 5's.
-wears size 12-18 month clothing.
-will watch anything on tv. I mean anything. He pays closest attention to yo gabba gabba. It's the music I think. Plus, mommy likes it too and sings along to him. He thinks she's just silly.
-is on the verge of saying something else. Don't know what it is yet. He's definitely trying to say something. I hear "I love you" sometimes. It could be just wishful thinking though. Haha
-still following the "your baby can read" system and reading lots of books together.
Things we can't live without:
-a baby carrier. I have 3 kinds. I like my moby wrap the best. I also have a sash that we use quite frequently because it fits in his diaper bag and I pull it out for the unexpected times. We also have 2 baby bjornes. Gabe uses those the most. (more manly I assume. Lol) I use the wrap when he's fussy and wants to be close. Tonight he was grumpy so I strapped him to me and went grocery shopping and he was in heaven. Snuggled close to mommy and tons of people and things to look at. :)
-Boppy pillow. I used it a bunch in the beginning to help with breastfeeding but not so much for that now. He's a pro and we can probably nurse hanging upside-down and blindfolded now. ;) naw, but we definitely have a great little groove going with it. I don't see him weaning for a while. Well after his first birthday I think. We'll see. Anyway! I digress. The reason the boppy is so great now, is because Santos is a great little sitter. It helped him get steady while he was still learning. Now...
He lounges in it and watches yo gabba gabba while we wait for daddy to get home :)
-wipes. All kinds of wipes. Pacifier wipes for when we're out and about and he throws all his toys and soother on the floor. Antibacterial ones for tables and high chairs when we go out to eat. I started using hand and face wipes but he broke out in a rash from the fragrance in them so I'm trying to find something less harsh to bring on our ireland trip. His regular booty wipes may be the best. They're for sensitive skin and fragrance free. I'll keep looking though.
-Sophie the giraffe. Very expensive teether, but he loves her. Oh so much. Teethers in general are a necessity. He's constantly chewing.
-his walker. He runs in that thing. Sideways is the funniest. He does a little crab walk. I put him in it to be next to me when I make lunch or do dishes. He looks out the glass door at the birds and trees and is so content. Really cute :)
Things we're looking into purchasing (recommendations, reviews, comments welcome!):
-Baby gates for the stairs and in front of bird cage. Nuff said.
-Walker (hand hold one)
-a membership to gymboree. I'm thinking the music classes.
-doing ok. Monthly visitor is back with a vengeance. :-/ still feeling crafty as ever though. Last week I felt like making bread from scratch so I strapped the baby on and got to kneading. Lol
I'm enjoying every minute of my baby who is rapidly becoming a toddler. I soak him up. :) he keeps me extremely busy though. Lol not much of a long napper, my munchkin.
Other than that not much to report. We can't complain. We're really glad everything turned out ok with the government shut down threat and glad daddy's job wasn't affected.
So looking forward to Ireland. Next month!!!!!