Sunday, February 27, 2011
I feel hungover
I will post how it goes. ::deep breaths::
Cry it out..........
With an extremely heavy heart, and a very sleepy brain (it's 3:40 and I've been up all night) I've decided it's time to let the :-(
First, wait until your baby is physically and emotionally ready to sleep through the night, usually between 4 and 6 months of age. Ferber doesn't designate a precise age at which to begin his technique, since it can vary so much depending on the child.
If you're not sure whether your baby's ready, you can always give it a try. If you encounter too much resistance, wait a few weeks and try again.
Step 1
Put your baby in his crib when he's sleepy but still awake.
Step 2
Say goodnight to your child and leave the room. If he cries when you leave, let him cry for a predetermined amount of time. (See "How long should I leave my child alone?" below.)
Step 3
Go back into the room for no more than a minute or two to pat and reassure your baby. Leave the light off and keep your voice quiet and soothing. Don't pick him up. Leave again while he's still awake, even if he's crying.
Step 4
Stay out of the room for a little bit longer than the first time and follow the same routine, staying out of the room for gradually longer intervals, each time returning for only a minute or two to pat and reassure him, and leaving while he's still awake.
Step 5
Follow this routine until your child falls asleep when you're out of the room.
Step 6
If your child wakes up again later, follow the same routine, beginning with the minimum waiting time for that night and gradually increasing the intervals between visits until you reach the maximum for that night.
Step 7
Increase the amount of time between visits to the nursery each night. In most cases, according to Ferber, your baby will be going to sleep on his own by the third or fourth night — a week at the most. If your child is very resistant after several nights of trying, wait a few weeks and then try again.
How long should I leave my child alone?
In his book, Ferber suggests these intervals:
- First night: Leave for three minutes the first time, five minutes the second time, and ten minutes for the third and all subsequent waiting periods.
- Second night: Leave for five minutes, then ten minutes, then 12 minutes.
- Make the intervals longer on each subsequent night.
Keep in mind that there's nothing magical about these waiting periods. You can choose any length of time you feel comfortable with.
Baby sleep training: Cry it out methods
(If clicking doesn't work, simply cut and paste the link into your Web browser.)
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
Dr. Seuss day

He watched the story time for a little bit...

And then we did a little shopping and went home. He's such a good boy! :-)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Mmm bananas
The bed
Santos is the ruler of our bed in so many ways. When we get to sleep and when we can't. Where we are allowed to lay. When to clean the sheets (almost daily because he gets something on them...) and apparently he doesn't want a brother or sister yet. I'll leave it at that. Lol

There he is. A two and a half foot munchkin taking up a king-sized bed. Haha!! He's lucky he's so damn cute and that I love him to the moon and back ;-)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Life is good
Happy baby :-)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Constipation cocktail

Prune juice for my little man's little bathroom problem. He hasn't gone since Saturday morning. It's definitely bothering him now. :( poor little monkey.

He hates the taste and won't drink it. Lol just chewing on the bottle. I hope he "accidentally" ingests some.
Incidentally, we took a nice walk down to publix to get the prune juice. It's absolutely lovely outside :)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
We have had our own little routine during the day for a while now but now we have this new-ish nighttime one.
Starting when daddy gets home, he does what he needs to (change and unwind etc) then he takes the baby and I go make dinner for us. We sit all together at the table (before we sold the set, a new one- sans glass- will be here soon) with baby in his highchair right next to us at the table and we eat. With no tv. :-)
then when we're done, we feed the munchkin his big boy food. He gobbles it up. And then we take a bath.
After his bath he gets his lotions and story time and then it's time to nurse once more and then sleepy time.

He's still waking up at 2 and 5. Sometimes its his teeth and sometimes it's just for a snack. I'm getting used to it so I'm back to sleeping no more than 4 hours at a time. Eh... It is what it is. As long as I have a happy baby and husband, I'm happy.

This is random but too cute... We went shopping for some warm clothes for the baby for our upcoming trip to ireland, he was swimming in this jacket. Too adorable. He's getting pretty awesome at going out and about. The past two weekends have been pretty busy. Last weekend we went furniture shopping and out to eat for valentines and this weekend was artigras and more shopping today. He's so content just looking around at all the new things. Such a good little monkey! :)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
New stage

Our latest shipment from was not the usual diapers, wipes, teethers, or toys. Nope, we're getting into the big boy stage. We got baby proofing gear: soft edge corners and foam liners for our tv stand to make it all squishy so he can't hurt himself. Also some plug protectors (just because they were on sale). We also got a few things to help with solid foods! A tray to portion out and freeze the food I'll make, and a cookbook to make food that we can all eat. So I'll be able to cook dinner and then purée something from it for baby boy!

Tonight, I made him sweet potatoes!
He loved them! So did we :-)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Mr. Whitey
Monday, February 14, 2011
iPhone rattle
I so want this!! I'll definitely be purchasing this in July when it's released.
Happy valentines day!
Daddy surprised me by taking the day off so I could get a little rest. Much needed rest. Amazing what an extra hour or two can do. I got a few errands done that we needed including grocery shopping and our taxes. Phew!
Later, we Skyped with Jess and Ella :)

So cute!!!
Then baby boy went to sleep and daddy and I had some sushi and sangria. I'm slightly obsessed with sangria lately...

Really nice day! :)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My valentines
New mom secret #2
This is worse than when he was first born... and Gabe is clueless. :(
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
5 months

At 5 Months old, Santos:
-sleeps ok. Not well like he used to. Now, he wakes up with pain from teething. I'm sure once we get passed this rough patch and his teeth break through, he'll be back to sleeping... like a baby?? who on EARTH was the first person to say that. They should be shot. Babies don't sleep.
- is sitting on his own (almost) he sits up and wobbles for a little. He's getting stronger and stronger every day and almost needs no assistance now!
-loves to stand. You hold his hands and he'll pull himself all the way up. AND keep himself up for quite a while. Strong legs!
-ate all of his cereal for first time. The whole bowl!
-rolled over twice but hates tummy time. He has a STRONG cobra pose.
- grabs everything and tries to put in his mouth. Including feet...

-loves tubby time and mommy and daddy have joined in...

-still nursing and tonight we started solids!! First food ever was roasted butternut squash! SO CUTE. he made the yuck face the whole time but ate it. haha!
-loves to babble and try to talk. even a few squeaks. Over the weekend he started the M sound. Mama here we come!!
-discovered the cats and is fascinated by them every time they go by. He pets little man, and little man nuzzles him. It's really sweet.
-drools like a faucet and teething bad......
-weight: not exactly sure but I'm guessing about 22 pounds now. I'll try and get him on the scale.
-diaper size: 3 but from the looks of it....

-still loves his swaddle and sucks on his soother (not a lot though seems like lately he'd rather chew the sides of it.)
-favorite thing to do is throw toys. He makes me play fetch. He picks it up, throws it on the floor, and then looks at it then me to pick it back up.
-Loves to be out and around people. He will fight sleep like crazy just so he wont miss anything.
-officially uses his new big boy car seat

-lost most of his hair and it's now growing in quite nicely!
-Attended his very first superbowl party

On weight watchers and lost about 11 pounds. Not too shabby...
Still struggling with managing my time. Dishes stay in the sink so much longer than I'd like and the floor desperately needs to be vacuumed but nothing I can do about it. I'm learning to let go.
Daddy and I aren't seeing eye to eye for the first time about parenting. It's not huge issues, but I want to stop swaddling mijo and stop using the soother, and he wants to keep them until he's one... he read online that it was ok so he thinks we should leave it alone. I'm just nervous that it'll be harder the longer he gets used to it. So far... Daddy is winning on that one... I also want him to stop getting used to being walked around to go to sleep. I've managed to stop ok and baby understands during the day to go to sleep without it, but when daddy is home he knows if he cries daddy will walk him....
other than that I'm doing well. My boob thing is healing nicely. I'll spare the yucky details but I didn't end up having to take the oral antibiotic. Thank God. But still had to pump for a little from that side so he didn't touch it.

"Proud papa" - that's all he wishes to say. LOL
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Just thought about it...
10 days is a long time to not nurse though :-( just makes me sad...
To be continued.
What the doctor said..

They examined me and said it was still small and hopefully I could use just a topical ointment to clear it up but if not, I'll have to take an antibiotic and probably won't be able to feed the munchkin if that happens.
Just the thought of that freaked me out. I don't want to not be able to feed him. Then it got me thinking about when it's time to stop... I'll be so sad. I didn't expect that. I thought I'd be glad! Ready to be free to leave the house and not rush to be home before his next feeding. Nope. I'm going to miss bonding with him and having that special time together that no one else will or could ever have.
Not that there's anything wrong with feeding your baby formula. I would never say which is better because it really is all about whats best for you and your family. That said, I'll be really pissed off if I have to give him formula. I worked so hard to breastfeed. The beginning was so rough and I pushed through because I felt that it was what was best for my baby. Now, to have to stop and risk losing my milk supply all over this stupid infection... It would kill me. :(
I went to get the prescriptions filled and I asked the pharmacist there what she thought about taking it while nursing. She said that it would pass through the milk and not to take it unless I really needed to.
Frustrated, i went home, and Gabe called his pharmacist friend, steve, to get his opinion about the drugs that were prescribed. He said that both the topical and oral antibiotics that they prescribed were bubkiss and wouldn't really help. It was likely staph and if so it would need a stronger medicine than what they gave me. In fact, he said it would be ok to take while still nursing, but again... Might not do anything at all. In the end, it sounded like the best bet would be to go to a regular doctor and have this thing lanced.
I decided that since I wouldn't have to take the pills until Monday anyway, I'll try the cream and if need be, I'll get it lanced. I would rather do that if possible and save my milk supply.
We shall see....
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Warning: TMI
I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow morning right away because it turns out if it isn't treated right away, my milk supply could be infected and i could get mastitis... AGAIN. Definitely don't want that.
I guess what happened was... Well... My little guy likes to hold his food. Lol! And he scratched me and it got infected and plugged a duct and bingo I have a boil.
Ahh, the joys of breastfeeding. Lol :)
Don't worry, I'll spare you the photo!