Well, a lot has happened in one month!
Merry Christmas!
Santos celebrated his very first Christmas ever! Christmas eve was spent at home. I cooked and we had the whole family over

(minus Steph and Flo, they came in a few days later). We ate and hung out and relaxed and opened a few gifts. It was perfect (other than me turning the oven off accidentally and we had to wait what seemed like 6 years to cook the chicken... LOL)
Santos got some amazing gifts!
Santa stopped by:

He's a little too short still for this Einstein jumper, but he seems to like it nonetheless. We just shove his changing pad under to give him that extra couple of inches.

These blocks are apparently very tasty. He loves to chew on them. Especially the red one. It has what Tio Flo calls "baby paper" in it. It makes the crinkle sound ;-)

This is called an Octoplush. He loves it! He's starting to laugh at the music it plays when you squish his head. It also says the colors (in 3 different languages) when you squish his hands. Yes, a smarty multilingual toy! :)

This is made by Taggis. Tio Flo and Tia Steph gave him this one. You pull a string and it vibrates and if you push the red dot on his head it makes the beep beep noise. He LOVES to chew on this one. The wheels also have that magical baby paper. So cute.

Granny and grandpa Richko gave him his highchair, he got a lot of clothes, and a few other bits and pieces. He told me he was very thankful and appreciated it all. Such a well mannered little boy!
He met his cousin Carlos for the first time:

Carlos was Santos' stand-in gift opener. I don't think I've ever seen paper fly off of gifts faster. So cute.
The next day we went to breakfast with my mom and dad and Beckala and Natala. :-) (Nate.) When they left to go home, I packed up the baby and went to nani and tata's house where we had christmas dinner with Simone, Carlos, and Frank. It was SOOO YUMMY. It was a Mexican feast.

We had a great night :-) we played with baby...

Ate pop rocks and storm trooper guys...

Upset the baby with a Santa hat... (LOL)

Roasted marshmallows (and ate SO much sugar)...

Made fun pictures in the back yard with Carlitos....
Happy Birthday!The next we stopped by a friend of mine's granddaughter's first birthday party. It was amazing to see how he interacted with the bigger kids. I say bigger... but I mean solely in age, not size. He was almost the same size as them. LOL He chatted away with them just the same though. Baby language is awesome to listen to.

Then we went back to nani and tata's because Flo and Stephie arrived! We had a little birthday celebration for Gabe because that was the only day that the whole family was in one place at the same time.

Happy New Years!We had a great New Years eve with papito :-) It was very quiet and we didn't leave the house. It was perfect. Mama baked all day for the shower, and then Sangria for mama and daddy after the boy went to sleepies.
Happy Shower!Steph and Flo had their Florida shower on the 1st. It was a lot of fun :-) I really enjoyed spending the holiday with them and I cannot wait to meet their little girl!! I know they're going to be amazing parents.
Ok I think that's about it for the holiday catch up and all that... Now for Santos' update:
At 4 Months, Santos...
Had his first time eating solids (rice cereal). He loved it. It was the most adorable thing ever. slurping off that mini spoon... ugh, priceless...
Weighs 19 pounds, measures 26.5 inches and is in the 97th-100+ percentile... yes, big boy! The nurse said he had the stats of a 9-month old.
Giggles and laughs responding to you.
Loves to snuggle in bed with you for as long as you'll let him.
Does not fit in his bumbo seat any more. Legs are just too chunky. I can squish him in there, but it's too hard to get him back out.
Is learning how to read already. Yes, I know. He's only 4 months old... but it can't hurt and I love doing "activities" with him throughout the day... So I purchased "your baby can read" and we've been doing it together for a little over a week now. He seems to really enjoy it.
Is still nursing every 2-3 hours. (although his doctor wants us to get him to 4 hours... I don't see that happening soon, but we'll give it a shot!)
Still loves to be swaddled. I said that at his appointment today and the doctor looked at me like I had 3 heads and said "he still lets you swaddle him?!?" Unfortunately, we need to start weening him at this point. She said it'll be too hard to stop later. :(
Sits up all on his own. For a little... then its nnnneeeeeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrrrumph. He gets lazy and flops over.
Has a tickle spot! I found it last night!! It was toooooo funny. He got all squirmy and tried to get away from me.
Rubs his feet together just like his mama does.
Grabs, reaches, and holds things.
Still hasn't rolled over.
Is losing his hair!!
likes tv... way too much. He'll stare at it when it's off. I'm assuming trying to figure out the trick to make it come alive.
wears 9-12 month clothing.
already needs a new car seat.
is the best thing that ever happened to us.
Mama - is tired from waking up at 3:30 again. I asked about this today. She said it was probably a growth spurt. He's just one big growth spurt. LOL Other than that, I'm fantastic. I love my little boy more than words can describe.
Here are all the photos from December (click the photo):