Sunday, November 6, 2011

October:: The month of Halloween!

Baby loves disco


starfish story time

Birthday party
Zombie weekend
Halloween gymboree
Neighborhood halloween party
Pumpkin Patch

August:: The month of sickness..

Santos had been dabbling in walking. He would walk along the couch and took maybe 2 steps at a time toward me before sitting again. Well, on August 3rd (while daddy was away on business and we were visiting my parents) Santos walked to his Granny. He took a good 4 or 5 steps and walked from the table he was clutching all the way to Granny who was sitting on the couch.

We went back to the doctor on the 9th. I noticed he was coughing more and I just didn't like how he sounded. She gave us the all clear and said that it was just another cold coming back. Two days later, I was convinced something was wrong. I was up all night with him listen to him trying to breathe. He was wheezing and taking really shallow breaths and I was freaking out. I was still up with him by 7am so I put him in the car and brought him to his pediatrician.

They gave him 3 doses of a nebulizer and let me borrow one to continue the treatments at home.

I took this photo thinking he looked better and sent it to the family. Looking at it now, they must have been so worried. Plus, holy crap he must have looked terrible for me to think this was looking better! But he was eating there so that was a good sign. He didn't even want to nurse before we went back to the doctor. :-(

AS the hours went by, I didn't really hear much improvement in his breathing and by the time Gabe got home from work, I decided that he wasn't any better and that we should take him back to his pediatrician. They not only did the nebulizer twice more, but they hooked him up to oxygen. :( He was well enough for them to not "have to call an ambulance" but we needed to bring him to the hospital for overnight observation.

The. Worst. Night. of my life...

I won't share every gory detail, but a few of the "highlights" were that they poked him over 10 times trying to inset an iv, which they finally took him away to inset it into his head only to have it fall out and they tried again (in his head again) and then finally gave up. I slept in the crib with him. He got more steroids and breathing treatments, several blood tests, and a chest x-ray.

Final diagnosis was broncialitis (sp?), and by the morning, he was breathing MUCH better and had a little appetite and was able to go home.

He now has his own nebulizer.

On to more fun things! SO glad that is all over with and he hasn't been sick since (Knock on wood).

He's adorable, isn't he?

He's on to big boy food now. Don't bother with the jar stuff unless it's mixed with a ton of oatmeal for his morning breakfast, but other than that, no way Jose!
He went to Johnny's first Birthday party and made some new friends in the pool:

Then he went to Malcolm's first birthday party:

Where he discovered his HATRED for swings...

but enjoyed hanging out with his new buddy :-)

A few other things that happened this month were his sippy cup skills:

and his walking by the end of the month was pretty good! A little like he was drunk, but still quite mobile.

July:: The Gymboree Month

July started off with an earache. Foreshadowing for the rest of the month and the next month...

WE took him to the doctor and got him on some antibiotics and he started to come around. Then I got sick... and we ended up passing it back anf forth for the next two months.

Fourth of July was spent at Julie and Jay's place
I thought he'd be more afraid of the fireworks and the noise, but t seemed like he was just interested in watching the pretty colors. :-)

We went to gymboree almost every week and he was extremely shy. Very quiet and
such a good student. Very observant.
We also took him to the zoo. Not so interested in fake animals... but liked to look at the real ones ;-)
July was a pretty uneventful month. Like I said, we were basically both sick all month long.

Monday, September 12, 2011

He is one!

I can't believe I haven't posted in over 2 months. :(
My baby boy is one year old. I'm so mixed about it. I'm thrilled to watch him grow and learn and change and become so independent and smart! And at the same time I want to put him back in his swaddle and keep him a baby forever.
He is a little man now. No more baby at all. He walks, talks, and eats table food. No more mush for this big guy. He refuses.
He is making friends and getting comfortable around other kids. He loves going to gymboree and a latte fun.
He has 8 teeth and his molars broke through a couple of days ago. Soon to be a true mouth full.
He says kitty, chichie (our word for gimme some boob), no, woah, daddy, mama, hey, hi, kabooo (as in peekaboo),
He waves and claps.
He climbs the stairs.
He's so smiley. He loves his family so much. :)
He still sleeps in our bed.
Still nursing. (yes. Even with the teeth)
Has been in the hospital overnight for observation. Bronchitis is nothin to mess with. Worst. Night. Ever.
Has been to Europe. More specifically Ireland.
Loves buttons. Will push them over and over. No matter their function.
Wears size 5 diaper.
Weighs 25 pounds.
Is 31.5 inches long.
Has not had his first haircut yet.
He loves bath time. He will also tell you exactly when he's had enough by standing up and promptly swinging his leg over the side of the tub. You must be ready when he is.
Has learned how to throw a temper tantrum, and subsequently how to "knock that shit off" ...mommy don't care about temper tantrums.
As you can tell by the previous sentence, he probably will be cursing soon......
He will bypass all of his toys just to get to whatever I'm working on and don't want him to mess with. (coupons, laptop, food... Nothing is off limits to him)
He gets at least one compliment every time we go out. He really is as cute as I think he is. :)
He now eats off of the kids menu at restaurants.
He snores like his daddy.
What's in the future? Wellllll....
We start swimming lessons at the end of the month.
We're planning Halloween, and a little for the holidays. I'm excited that he's a little older now and each year will be more exciting for him. The day we get to tell him about Santa will be so much fun.
Now that he's one, a whole bunch of new activities are available to him. I plan to take full advantage of all the free activities we can.
Is a wonderful daddy. Santos adores him :) they have such a great relationship!
I will try my hardest to post more often!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mouth full of teeth!

Mommy takes advantage of me while I sleep...

Can you see them?? Two on top and 4 on the bottom with another one on top poking it's way through. Insanity. He'll have a full mouth soon.

I also cut all 20 of his nails while he was sleeping too. Hey, you gotta take advantage of the moments when they're actually still! Lol


On monday, we had our first mommy and me class at gymboree :) he was shy (as usual) and I'm really looking forward to getting him comfortable and breaking him out of his little shell! We sang and danced and played with drums, maracas, and bells. It was cute :)

He got his own little name tag ;) you can see it better in the one below but I like photos better when he's his smiley self!

Next time, I'll bring my camera to get action shots!

So happy in Ireland...

Lunch at the zoo:

YouTube Video

At our hotel:

YouTube Video

The B&B owner took him so we could eat:

YouTube Video








Happy father's day!

I know this is way late, but we had a great father's day :) we had breakfast at our local deli and daddy got to spend some much needed baby time with his munchkin after his long trip away.

He loves his daddy!

Friday, June 17, 2011

9 months!

So I'm a tad late on this post. Big boy officially turned 9 months the day we got home from our Ireland trip.

Since then I've been somewhat depressed having to return to Florida - if you know me even slightly, you know that I've wanted to move out of Florida since I was 15. Going away makes it worse when I get home. So I've been trying to get back in the swing of things here and seriously neglected the blog :(

Bubby has mad some serious developments the past month. He:

-started crawling. Belly off the floor for real crawling.

-pulls himself up on anything and everything and stands. He'll even walk along the couch holding on to it. I think walking is near!

-is allergic to eggs. I found out after his reaction that I wasn't supposed to give them to him in the first place. He got a serious skin reaction all over his chin and cheeks and legs where they touched him.

Too bad because he really loved them!

-has FOUR new teeth. 2 on top and 2 next to the 2 he had on the bottom.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

8 months

Last Saturday my monkey turned 8 months old!! Well passed infant. He is getting to be such a big boy!!

He's very smiley. When he wants to be. Lol watch out if not because he can give you the most serious of faces.

Loves to chew on anything and everything still.

Wears size 5 diapers.

Was a good 2-3 inches taller than the last one year old we met.

Wears size 18 month clothing.

Great helper with laundry. ;-)

Still loves books and to be read too.

Loves yo gabba gabba. He dances when it comes on and will stop what he's doing when he hears the intro music.

Getting so strong! He can hold himself up. I put him there but he's almost ready to pull himself up. He can already in his real crib.

He can also pull himself up from laying down to sitting now. Trouble!

Drinks from sippy cups.

New favorite food is mango.

Eats puffs.

Has solids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and nurses between all of them.

Is teething again. I think it's the top ones now.

Look how he's lounging with his arm up. Lol!

He sleeps. Still in our bed but sleeps through the night. And if I feel up to it and have lots to read... He'll sleep for 3 hours or more if I lay down with him to nap. (I don't do that every day.)

YouTube Video

And he's crawling!! Not belly off the floor yet but crawling nonetheless!!!

We leave for ireland next Sunday. I am so excited!!! And nervous. Hope he is a good traveler. We shall see!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy mothers day!

On Friday, I received a flower delivery from Santos. My parents were so sweet. They sent it or him. How cute was that?!

On Wednesday we visited nani and tata zavala because they were going to see baby Mena for the weekend!

Saturday we went to boca and had an early dinner with granny and grandpa Richko. Look at my sweet angel asleep in the car :-)

On Sunday, mother's day, we did... Nothing! And it was glorious!

I don't even realize he grabs them sometimes. LOL

We ended up going out to eat at park avenue BBQ. Yum! Baby ate his puffs (he started those about a week ago) and babbled and yelled and i laughed :) gabe was slightly embarrassed I think because he was a little loud but oh well. He's a baby and he was enjoying himself and that made me happy!

Overall it was a lovely first mothers day. :) I'm so thankful for my amazing family.