Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Three months. Twelve weeks. Eighty-four days.

<--3 days

3 months-->


Sleeps through the night - doesn’t really have a specific bedtime but can go as early as 8:30 and as late as midnight, and wakes up between 6:30-8 for feeding and then I can get him to sleep another 2 hours or so.

Wears size 2 diapers.

LOVES to be swaddled to go night night. (otherwise he would flail his arms and wake himself up by smacking himself in the face, or worse… scratching the bajesus out of his face - and his nails grow back within an hour it seems.)

Is just starting to use his bumbo seat and his walker… although he’s not walking in his walker, he just likes to stand up like a big boy.

Holds his head up.

Is starting to sit up all by himself. He was always good about lifting his head up off your shoulder (since birth!) but now he’s using his tummy muscles to really pull himself upright (in the bath tub especially)

Is just ok with tummy time. If he’s in the mood he’s ok with it, if not, oh no…. and other times, he just goes right to sleep.

Speaks in his own language. I swear he thinks he’s holding a whole conversation with you, his toys, himself in the mirror… it’s really adorable.

Responds. He LOVES playtime. He is the smileyest baby ever. I can usually get a smile out of him at any time, even right when he wakes up. The only times he ever gets upset is when he’s hungry (which is 97.2% of his cries. He’s always hungry), gassy, or overtired. He doesn’t really like to nap.

Has discovered his hands. Now, he spits out his pacifier (soother , or chupi - never a paci or a binkie) because he’d rather chew or suck loudly on his hands. He grabs things too. Hair, burp cloths, blankets, teether toys. He actually doesn’t depend on his soother at all. He never looks for it, but we use it to keep him comfy. Especially when he’s nursing just our of comfort… It has saved my poor boobs more than a few times.

Weighs approximately 16-17 pounds and wears clothing anywhere from 3 to 9-month-sized clothing. He is my little chunker.

Likes socks. Hates shoes.

Eats (nurses so I have no real idea of how many ounces, but between 15-20 minutes each time) every 1-3 hours, but more like 1 hour 45 minutes on the dot most times. LOL I can tell when he’s going through growth spurts because its every hour all day for about 3 days straight.

Loves to get out and be in his car seat. Loves the car and loves to take walks.

Is awesome at restaurants! This photo is from when we went out to celebrate Nani's birthday last weekend!

Now enjoys his bath time. In the beginning, he would hate it because he didn’t like the cold, but now, he splashes with his feet and talks to himself in the mirror. He also loves to be naked.

LOVES to be read to. Especially the books that are touchy feely. (like different textures) He has a pretty good attention span right now.

Spits up... a LOT.

Just started watching tv. Just a little. Sponge Bob seems to be good, and anything with bright colors. I limit tv time though, I like our play time and I don’t want him to become a tv zombie. It sure does help when I need to get a few loads of laundry done though. LOL

Mommy at 3 months:

I fit into all of my old clothes, but don’t like to wear my dresses anymore. It makes me miss my Preggo tummy too much.

I have lost all of my pregnancy weight plus a little; however, I eat like I’ve been starved for a week every 2 hours or so.

I no longer wake up at 3 or 4am because my boobs are incredibly painful from the milk he used to be drinking at that time.

Nursing is second nature to both of us now. The beginning not so much. No one could ever prepare you for just how much it hurt. I remember the days when his spit up had blood in it because of me. I was bleeding! And not little amounts. Funny story: I actually cried when the remote hit me in the boob. Funny now, not then. Thank GOD those days are long behind us and we have a nice little rhythm going between us.

Still have my stretch marks. Big time. But I consider them my badges of honor and they don’t bug me at all.

Still have not resumed my monthly “gift” from nature. I think it’s because I’m breastfeeding.

I laugh and smile daily. Thank you my sweet baby boy. You’ve changed our lives so much, and all for the better.

Daddy at 3 months:

“I love him” not much of a talker, my husband….

What else:

Will we have more? Absolutely! We definitely want to give him his time though and really enjoy all the milestones so we won’t be trying for a little though.

What are we looking forward to? For the first time in years, Christmas. I can’t wait to bring Santa back to life!! Play dates with Ella and Grant (baby Folgate). DISNEY… but that’s much, much down the road. Disney will be fun again because we’ll get to experience it through him! Ok, ok… I’m getting way ahead of myself.

Bottom line: We are so very happy . We love our little Santos so much it’s incredible.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

10 weeks!

It's getting harder and harder to keep on time with this blog! I'm doing my best though. Usually during the time I go to write, monkey wants to play. Then I'm exhausted. Lol

How old is baby? 2 and a half months!!!!

Weight? Dunno. Need to get on the wii.

Sleep? He's back to waking up at 3-4 to eat. Hope he starts sleeping through again soon. Mommy is so tired!

Best moment this week: siting outside at a cafe eating breakfast with my hubby and baby boy :) life is good. (the waitress came over and when she heard how old he is she said "wow he doesn't miss a meal does he!?"

Milestones: he's starting to get really grabby :)

Times pediatrician called? None. Thank god.

Mama and daddy: Eh. Doing ok. Just tired.

Weekly photo:

Friday, November 12, 2010


Munchkin snuggling with his new friend bobo. We made him. It was my first project to learn how to sew. Gee helped a lot. :) his name is bobo because I messed up his other wing. Lol

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

9 weeks!

How old is baby? 9 weeks

Weight? 14 pounds 14 ounces

Height? 24.5 inches

Sleep? Like a log :) (mama is a different story)

Number of diapers changed? Lost count. I haven't really been using my app as much anymore.

Best moment this week: Becky came to visit :) although he was still a little snotty, he was happy to see her! Wouldn't stop talking to her and smiling :) too cute.

Milestones: size 2 diapers

Times pediatrician called? We saw the doc on Monday for his 2- month check up. She said he looks like a healthy 4-month old. He's going to be tall!! The little bumps all over his cheeks and chest are from the wash we use at bath time. We switched him over to a fragrance free wash. It's already better.

Mama and daddy: mommy needs a massage and a few hours alone with a good book... Maybe a hot tub?

Looking forward to? Nothing really scheduled. Maybe I'll get a chance to use my new sewing machine to make something for my baby boy??!!

Weekly photo:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

8 weeks!!

How old is baby? 8 weeks!!

Weight? 14 pounds 11 ounces

Height? not sure

By now, many babies are able to swipe at objects with their hands and kick at them with their feet.

A lot of things are changing for your baby; this may make her fussy for a week or two and in need of lots of comfort.

As a newborn, your baby grabbed instinctively. Now he’s losing that reflex - and is starting to be able to hold things placed in his (now mostly open!) hands.

Is that a fact? Your infant has twice as much light, REM sleep as you do.

Sleep? Still good! He did start waking up again to eat but I think that’s because he’s sick.

Number of Diapers Changed? 579

Best Moment This Week: Being with him and Ella together for Halloween.

Milestones: He’s growing out of his size one diapers. Well, technically he already has… we’re just trying to use them up. His first holiday. His first virus! My poor baby.

Number of Times the Pediatrician was called? once. Today - we went to the doctor because he hasn’t stopped crying (inconsolable) since we got home. Turns out he has a virus. Stomatitis. It should clear up in a few days but until then, he’s miserable.

Mama and Daddy? I’m hanging in. It’s been a rough couple of days. I have barely been able to eat because I’m trying to get him to stop crying. Continually rocking him and nursing him.

Weekly Photo:

Their first meeting!!

after his bath

Sunday, October 31, 2010


First airplane ride!!

We are so incredibly lucky...

He was his usual self. Only fussed a little when he was hungry. Slept trough one of the worst landings I've even been through. (not gradual at all. Plopped the plane down way to fast... Scared the bajesus out of me!)

I nursed him for take off and he pretty much slept the rest.

People were giving me the dirtiest looks though!!! When we were boarding, I could see it written all over their faces! "you better not be sitting next to me with that screaming baby!"

I was so glad he proved them wrong. :) my little sweetheart!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

7 weeks!!

How old is baby? 7 weeks!!

Weight? 15 pounds

Height? dunno

Your baby can now see more detailed colors and designs; he can also perceive things in three dimensions.

Babies' eyes start to work together better this week; this helps them focus.

Most babies this age are starting to be awake at times when they’re not eating. They enjoy hearing and seeing new things with their “extra” time but may easily become overwhelmed.

Sleep? He’s started sleeping through the night. The past few nights he was asleep by 10:30 and he didn’t wake up until 6. I think anything over 6 hours straight is sleeping through the night. That was over 7!

Number of Diapers Changed? 512

Best Moment This Week: He definitely recognizes his mama! He smiles at me. Real smiles, not gas smiles. LOL

Favorite toy? his mama

Milestones: He’s now wearing some of his 6-month sized outfits. He’s growing so fast!! Gabe is especially excited because he can now wear his UM onesies.
Not so nice milestone... his first band-aid... I was clipping his nails and he pulled away and I caught the top of his finger... I felt bad. :(

Number of Times the Pediatrician was called? zero

Mama and Daddy? Daddy said “Crab hold.”
I think I’ll stop asking him what he wants to say on the blog….

I’m ok. Still not sleeping well…. I wake up because my boobs tell me it’s time to feed him in the middle of the night. They tell me by becoming especially painful. I have to pump the milk to get any relief, and then I’m awake and I lay there, awake… I have the Richko insomnia trait… It’s no bueno.

Speaking of my boobs… (now that we’re THAT close.) I had to buy new nursing bras and I have officially upgraded to an F cup. Ridiculous…

Hmm… what else… I can’t think straight, too tired. Sorry…

What’s coming up?/Looking forward to next? This weekend is THE weekend. Halloween!! Can’t wait to see my little mijo in his costumes (yes, plural) and for him to meet his best friend Ella!!! Yay!!!

Weekly Photo:

grandpa pants

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

6 weeks!

How old is baby? 6 weeks!!

Weight? 13.5 pounds

Height? (shrug)

This week, babies are practicing their grip (it’s not just a reflex anymore) and starting to reach.

Your baby is becoming more expressive; in fact, she may have started practicing facial expressions - a lifetime of likes and dislikes awaits her.

Researchers have found that, all over the world, the amount of hours babies spend crying peaks at 6 weeks. Hang in there!

Is that a fact? The rhythms of your baby's breath and sucking change in response to unfamiliar sounds.

Sleep? He sleeps better than I do for some reason. I’m just not able to sleep well… He’s falling asleep around 9:30-10 and wakes up to eat around 4-4:30 and goes right back to sleep for another 3 hours or so. Not too bad!

Number of Diapers Changed? 446

Best Moment This Week: I was nursing him - he was completely awake and alert and staring at me (he stares a lot.) he pulled away, looked at me and smiled this huge gummy smile, and went back to eating. It was the best thing ever. J

Favorite toy? We’ve progressed in our “Time to play baby” dvd. He loves the scarf. It tickles is face and legs.

Milestones: he has his first beauty mark/freckle/mole whatever you want to call it.

Number of Times the Pediatrician was called? We brought him in on Monday to double check on the congestion. They listened to his chest and everything was just fine.
We cought a glimps of his chart, it said that he's happy and playful. That made me happy! :-)

Mama and Daddy? doing well. Daddy said “he wishes he could help mommy more during the day, she’s a good mommy” I think he’s trying to earn points after the incident on Monday night. LOL we won’t get into it.

I’m doing ok. Finding that there’s not enough time in the day, but learning how to manage. Loving every minute with my little man though. He makes everything worthwhile.

What’s coming up?/Looking forward to next? Halloween with my Jessie!!

Weekly Photo:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

First trip out alone with mama

I brought the little one to my old job today.

Love that last shot! He makes the funniest faces :)